We all took turns looking through the binoculars, but we saw nothing. The only things we saw was a raccoon, a couple making out in the alley, and a drunk guy who bumped into a trash can which made it fall. Daily morning in Star City.

Hours passed, or minutes, I couldn't really tell. The sun had already began to rise, making the sky glow with a pretty pink hue.

Oliver's one lead seemed to be a bust. But I didn't want to be the one to tell him. "I really think we should go back now. I mean, we've been here forever."

"He's right, Oliver. We're tired," Rene added, taking my side.

Oliver rubbed his eyes, the dark bags underneath showed that he too didn't sleep well last night. "No, this can't be it. There has to be something here. I mean, a person named Simon Morrison, Chase's real name owns this building. This can't be a coincidence."

"I do hope you realize that Simon Morrison is a common name, especially in a big city like this. How do you even know this could be Chase's?"

"Felicity found a footage of him walking in a building like this one. It's so similar. I just thought this was his. . ." He trailed off into space and shook his head. We didn't say anything for the next five minutes, but Oliver did. "Fine. We can go."


As soon as we arrived at the Bunker, we immediately went to sleep. Felicity claimed to have been not tired. But I'm 99% sure she took a nap too. And as soon as we walked in, Rene jumped on one of the tables and started snoring, which caused a giggle fit out of Felicity. I slept in my mattress I n the corner, it didn't take me long to sleep but I heard Oliver shuffle against the floor, waking back and forth. He's stressed.

But I felt him stop a few minutes later. And the Bunker was quiet.

When I woke up, the first thing I yearned for was for more sleep. I was also having a nice dream for once. I was a talking goat and I could never die. And my name was Otis.

"Look who's awake!" Felicity smiled as I trudged up the stairs onto the stage-thingy-I-could-never-find-a-name-for.

"What time is it?" I asked while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Felicity looked at her watch. "12:26"

"Mm," I replied incoherently.

I looked around. Rene was lightly snoring on his very uncomfortable table, but what surprised me was the fact that he was hugging a teddy bear. I didn't question it. Oliver, on the other hand, was awake. And sharpening his arrows. He gave me a nod in my direction. And I gave him a nod back.

"Where's that Big Belly Burger you promised?"

A groan echoed throughout the Bunker, coming from an obvious Oliver. "I said that? I don't remember saying that."

"You said it," Felicity said, not looking up from her computer. Oliver looked insulted. "You're supposed to be on my side."

"Not when you're paying for a nice burger. Who in their right mind would give that up?"

Oliver gave another tsk. "Fine, I'll pay for it but I'm not driving you."

I looked at Felicity in despair. "Don't look at me. I'm busy. But I won't mind a double cheeseburger while you're at it." I gave her a look but she gave me a grin in return.

Ten minutes later, I had directions and a list of things I'm getting for them. Oliver and Felicity just ordered Rene's usual, since he was still asleep.

I waved them goodbye but as soon as I went outside, I didn't realize how chilly it was. I was wearing shorts, and I had no jacket. I hadn't anticipated it to be somewhat cold in the middle of summer. I had contemplated going back up to grab a jacket, but decided against it. I'm sure I can handle a little wind for half an hour.

The walk to the restaurant was about 15-20 minutes. But I was going to be jogging, getting my blood rushed up to get me warm. I followed the directions Felicity gave me and ran through the busy sidewalks.

I saw the place from where I stood just a few block away. But I also saw that the line came all the way outside. "Holy Hera, that's a lot of people," I muttered to myself.

I jogged up to the last person in line and took my spot to catch my breath. If I only I could use one of those FitBits or Apple Watch's without getting attacked by a monster. I do go on runs and jogs pretty often, especially while I'm at camp to stay in-shape. But I haven't been keeping up with my routine lately which is causing me to be more drained than normal.

As the time went on, the line got shorter. And it was finally my turn. I dug out the list in my pocket and ordered. A few minutes later, I got my food in a two takeout paper bags.

Most of the people who were in the restaurant from before were gone. Now, all the people left were a group of people a few years older than me, a few families, and other people. I sat in a booth by the windows, so I could watch people walk by. I always loved doing that as a child. It was nice to get a break out of my old apartment and Smelly Gabe, and come out to a local diner to eat food and people-watch.

I dug out my burger from the bag. I decided since I was the delivery man, it was only fair that I could stay here and eat my fresh burger.

After 5 minutes, I inhaled my entire burger. And it was so good. I don't think I will ever get tired of Big Belly Burger.

I never really sat down in a restaurant like this in forever. And I sort of miss it; the workers yelling orders in the background, pans and pots clanking together, children wailing. I love it.

The bell jingled as it opened but I barely gave it a glance, people have been walking in and out so often, I barely found the sound noticeable.

"Why, hello, what a surprise to see you here." I looked up, still sipping on my drink and almost spit it out. Above me stood Adrian Chase, the one and only Prometheus. He sat down across from me, but as soon as he did, I was about to stand up and punch him across the face right then and there. But he stopped me before I could. "Ah, that won't be a good idea." He tilted his head towards the rest of the people here. "It would be a shame for these innocent people to get hurt."

My eyebrows furrowed at the thought. He wouldn't dare, but at the same time, yes, he would. He's killed before, and I don't doubt he'll do it again.

"It's nice seeing you back in Star City. I was sure I wouldnt be seeing you again for a long while, but I was sure surprised to see you eating here."

"Don't act as if you haven't been watching me. What do you want?" I grit through my teeth. He plucked a French fry off my tray so carelessly, you could forget he's a murderer.

He looked at me for a second.


And I blacked out.

HEYY GUYS. I LOVE CLIFFFHANGERS LMAOO. I'm getting in a cliffhanger phase.

Also, this is a rewrite of my original chapter because my old one got deleted 😩 so obviously it isn't word for word, but I tried my best to keep it within the lines. But did anyone notice the Magnus Chase reference I made? Aha

Qotc - favorite songs? I need song recommendations.


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