1 | Into the Bewilderness

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Debt. The thing Aera had avoided most of her life. Steered away from her reality, maybe, but she had managed to entangle herself in credit problems, unbeknownst to the extent.

The morning of the day that would change her life, the bank had called her, asking her to come in to discuss her spending habits. Aera had rolled her eyes too many times to count, the only answer they had received was a scoff from her over the phone.

Unsurprising, Aera didn't want to go.

Without a doubt, the bank would take her credit card away from her. It was shocking she still had it.

With little hope, she thought maybe a little negotiation could be made, but with the substandard relationship Aera had formed with them, it wasn't looking too good.

Their multiple calls every couple of days were a threat, and she knew it. So, she had no choice.

It was best to go and face her problems - not that she was going to comply.

Aera wasn't exactly fazed by the banks numerous angry messages to her, it happened too often for her to care anymore. Her day would've stayed neutral, if her best friend, Seo-Jun, hadn't messed it all up. She'd kicked Aera out of her house arrangement, after staying there for nearly over a year, Aera had contributed to any of the bills.

As thankful as Aera was, Seo-Jun had gotten fed up with paying for everything. Her best friend has basically ended their friendship, telling her to pack a bag and leave.

So she had, leaving the now stranger by herself to go and make the treacherous journey to the bank.

Upon arrival, other clients simply minded their own business. However, receiving multiple glares from those working behind the desk and walking by, it was obvious they knew who she was.

Aera smirked to herself, knowing she'd made her statement.

A man in a crisp-looking suit came to collect her, looking bland and too serious for his level of importance. He led her to a small office; walls painted an offish yellow, a single cabinet and his belongings organised too perfectly. He was probably one of those men too focused and head on about work to care about anything else.

This is going to be fun.

Aera could feel his emotionless glare, boring into her. She wasn't even looking at him, trying her best to avoid his uncomfortable presence. Less than two minutes in and drowning herself was starting to feel like a good idea.

A bored sigh erupted from his thin lips, "Miss Baek, may I see your credit card?" Aera looked down, his hands clasped tightly together on the table.

Aera hesitated before reaching down to her bag, grabbing the card out of the front pocket. She placed it on the table as they finally made an uncomfortable eye contact.

The man placed one finger onto the card and slowly pulled it towards him, "Over the various few months you have decided to spend money on this credit card and have managed to put yourself in debt of 40 million won." Aera gave him a blank expression, one brow raising like she didn't know what he was talking about. She fought the urge to roll her eyes.

He picked up a stack of already perfectly aligned paper, and shuffled it onto the table. "In usual circumstances, people will pay there owed money back to us every month, which you have failed to do so." The man droned on, adjusting his glasses every so often which were far too big for his face. He kept pushing the bridge of them to the top of his nose making the bored girl immensely irritated.

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