His mother stared blankly at him, confused by the dark expression that now resided on his face.

"They're just cupcakes, Jean."

Just cupcakes.

"Why the hell would you invite her over for dinner?", Jean questioned, tone laced with a sense of accusation.

"You watch your language with me, young man", his mother warned, pointing a finger in his direction.

Jean stood up from his seat, hands gripping the countertop as his mind swarmed with thoughts, memories, anger.

"You can't."

"I can do whatever I want," she protested. "And I think it's crazy that you're acting like this. It's just Mikasa, Jean. You were friends with her for years! I know you and Eren had your falling out, and that the Ackermans moved very shortly after the fact, but that doesn't mean you should avoid her."

Mrs. Kirstein frowned upon seeing Jean's conflicted expression. In an attempt to console her son, she reached a hand up to brush a piece of his messy blonde hair out of his face.

"Jean, I know the past couple of years were hard-"

Jean stepped out of her reach as his mother began to speak, recognizing that she was about to mention Eren. He didn't want to listen anymore. Not about Mikasa, not about Eren, and not about fucking cupcakes.

"Just cupcakes my ass," he scoffed, gazing at the ground. Lifting his gaze, he stared his mother down. "How could you invite her after what she did? She ruined everything!"

Mrs. Kirstein's first instinct was to return his harsh tone. To yell back.

But she couldn't.

Not when she saw the tears pooling in her son's eyes.

"What are you talking about?", she asked with a puzzled expression.

"Forget it."

Jean gave the cupcakes one last glance before he scooped up his car keys and fled the house, leaving no time for his mother to try and follow.

It wasn't her fault that she didn't know. Jean had never disclosed that information to her. Never told her the truth about what really happened.

As soon as he jumped in his car, he sped off in a random direction, not knowing where to go.

He was far too upset to go home to the frat house, and he couldn't deal with seeing Eren right now.

He didn't really want to talk either, so calling any of his friends wasn't an option either.

Finally, he settled on an empty parking lot, somewhere just outside of town. He didn't even remember the drive there, as his hands had been tightly gripping the steering wheel, mind somewhere far away.

Jean sat in the parking lot until the sun rose, reclined in his seat staring at the ceiling of his car.

The boy didn't manage to sleep a wink.

Just This Once || ErenxreaderxjeanWhere stories live. Discover now