Chapter Twenty One

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Ah, I remember that line, that seems so long ago.

Wait a damn minute- friend? Fucking ouch.

"You need to lay off the coke and chill out, man." Topper tells Rafe before walking away with Kelce in his trial. He doesn't really say much, probably just a body guard for Topper if anything were to go wrong.

Rafe looks down at me and runs his hand through his hair. "Some nerve he has. Why start a conversation with me in the first place if all he's going to do is bombard you with questions that you don't even have the fucking answer to."

"It's alright, pal. I can handle myself."

Rafe picks up on my dig and reaches for my arm. "Avery, you know I didn't mean that. I didn't know what to say, I've never done relationships before."

"So you choose to say my friend? You could have said anything other than that instead of making me look like an idiot.

The look in his eyes changes. "Why are you getting so defensive? We are technically just friends."

I groan and raise my arms slightly, trying not to let everyone know that he and I are fighting. "That's not the point, Rafe. I know you've never been in a relationship before or even know what it's like to have feelings but,-"

"Thanks, Avery. Way to throw it back in my face."

Fuck. "You know I didn't mean it like that, Rafe. I'm sorry."

He stands there for a few moments in silence. "Why does it even matter? Clearly everyone is staring at the two of us like we're some sort of circus act."

"Since when do you care what these fucking people have to say about you? You're Rafe Cameron."

The blonde rolls his eyes, "yippee."

I reach for his hand. "Why don't we just go so we can talk about this? We've been drinking for way too long and have gone through so much coke we're not thinking straight. There's no one here that matters anyway besides you."

It's a strange feeling having to comfort the person that seems like they are invincible. As much as I wish he would scream off the top of the hill that he and I are truly together, I understand the fear of being talked about or laughed at. Rafe has never cared about that until me. Does he agree with what these people think?

"I don't care at this point. You clearly don't think I'm capable of being in a relationship."

"When did I ever say that? You're literally talking out of your ass right now. Rafe I want to be with you like how we are behind closed doors, but if you can't give me that in public too I don't know if I could do it."

The blonde shakes his head and looks down at the ground. I see him slipping away with each second he is silent.

"Then why are you with me? Is this some sort of game to you to get me to open up and then dip? If so, please be my guest to leave me the fuck alone."

I run my hand through my hair, the habit being picked up from none other than the boy in front of me.

"I'm with you because of everything I've told you before, and even in moments like these the thought of losing you would crush me. You're funny, and kind, and-,"

He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine. The passion behind the kiss is so strong I feel lightheaded. My arms wrap around his neck, bringing him closer to my body.

"I've heard enough. I don't want to hide behind closed doors, Avery. The deal we had is so far in the back of my mind because of how much I want to be with you. I think about you almost every moment of every day. You're right, I don't know much about feelings or being someone's boyfriend, but I want to learn with you."

Obsessive / Rafe Cameron COMPLETED Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin