Just a friendly Sleepover

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This was a long exhausting day for Deku. First, finding out that his daughters have come from the future. The second one being he's not married to one but possibly multiple partners in the future. Kendo-san and Hatsume-san I never looked at them this way. A lonely quirkless kid married to two or probably more women in the future. Can I keep them happy? Can I even protect them? Can I-

His thought process got interrupted by Mei hugging him tightly in her sleep. After their facade full of sappy moments finally finished Mei request the teachers to let Deku and their daughters have a sleepover at her dorm room as to also completely understand this bizarre situation. After some resisting they allowed them to have it their way for just tonight.

Aizawa sensei only agreed because Deku's room will be going through some changes to let his their kids have some space for themselves for the time being.
Currently, Deku is sleeping in Mei's bed at the corner barely holding himself but somehow still feeling the most relaxed he ever has been. After some talking, Mei gets the whole picture of what is happening and agreed to help her future self so the kids could go back to their time. As her future self probably is very tensed and probably trying her best to reach her daughters through time.

"Hm look like girls finally are asleep" Mei said with motherly instinct before becoming a one.

"yes looks that way...I wanted to ask you something Mei-san" Deku finally confessing his thoughts.

"me too"

"you should go first Mei-san"

"ok then I will ask...do you love me"

"Cause I do"

He was still shocked even after knowing that she was his future wife or one of them. It still was unreal to him, even when their biological daughter is there between them sleeping peacefully.

"I-I never thought that anyone other than my mom would love me someday so it never crossed my mind so when it's all happening I can't find words I-I"

"Then don't force yourself I will wait, wait for your words"

"...but I have something else I am sure about, can I say that to you if you don't mind"

"Go on"

"We have been friends from the day we first met you are one of the most interesting people I have ever met I cherish the time we have to spend together, whenever we tested your gadgets or whenever you joined me at my training and become my sparring partner. I want to keep doing that with you. My heart gets so full of warmth that it starts beating so fast. I-I-"

He got interrupted this time by getting a kiss on his cheek by Mei. Who then put their forehead together looking at his eyes and saying

"Dork that's what love is but still I will wait until you grasp it's functioning completely and it's not like you are gonna say no this little bundle is the proof of that" pointing at her biological daughter who is still sleeping hugging her half-sister tightly.

"oh and let's sleep now I have to get my beauty sleep...Good night...Husband"

Midoriya has become a red bulb now falling back on the bed fainting but replying to her before going into dreamland

"Good night Mei-san" He finally collapsed but who knows he might have also said wive under his breath too.


Deku Harem Future Diaries Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now