The end.

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Mexico had so much thoughts roaming freely through his head.

 'Maybe....just maybe I could-...yea. I will', the Mexican chuckled.

(a few hours later)

After bringing Mexico back to school, he requested to Canada if he can stay in his dorm for a while. Canada of course said yes. "Thank you....but...why did you try to save me.....I'm assuming that was you." Canada looked back at him and replied sadly "because I wanted to protect you....but I'm clearly bad...." 'No, I'm the bad one....I wanted to wanted me to live.'  'I still will die....I don't care if anyone cares....I don't care if no one long as I'm dead....the world will be happy..'

"Canada....this is a weird question but, do you think you can get me some rope. It's for- errm.... Some project in science! Yep...." Canada, willingly wanting to do anything for the Mexican went off to get rope.

'Yes...thank you Canada.... But....I'll miss you..'

'Lo.....seinto...mi amor...;But you can't trust no one, not even your  friends.....'

[Announcement: I made a new account! It's called "@themexicanboy" so if you want to see more AU's I'm going to make in the future, I suggest you following it.]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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