Just keeping a promise..

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(short chapter)

"I promise you will never have him, in the next life you liiiive~" I said in a sing song voice, I quickly ran back inside back to my dorm only noticing the Mexican was shivering, he was laying on his side, so I slid in the bed, putting my arms around him; trying to warm him up;

"I promise you will never have him, in the next life you liiiive~" I said in a sing song voice, I quickly ran back inside back to my dorm only noticing the Mexican was shivering, he was laying on his side, so I slid in the bed, putting my arms aro...

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(The next day)

I woke up hearing a announcement being made; it was un's voice. He sounded serious, "All staff and students this is a lock down repeat this is a lockdown, we are on the lookout for Sweden. If you know where his whereabouts are, please come to my office."

When I heard that announcement, I smirked. The Mexican yawned, but suddenly realized his friend was dangerously close to him; he blushed wildly. I decided to nuzzle his nape just to make him blush more. He squeaked, clearly embarrassed. "I guess weeeeee're stuck together in my doooorm until lockdown's over, mon ami~" i said happily.

He hid his face. "So do you want to play a game?" I asked politely,

"Sure" he said quietly, "it's truth or dare, are you alright with that?"


"Ok...um truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you like someone-"

He quickly said "si."

"Whom do you like?"


"Tú!" He said quickly.

I of course was happy but, I couldn't let anyone else be in my way. "Well I have uh....um, question...do you think we...can be a thing?" I said calmly but my heart was beating fast as I asked him. "S-si" he said shyly. 'Yes'! I thought, 'finally I can protect you now that your mine!'

(A few hours pasted by and still no one could find Sweden, meanwhile Mexico and Canada where being flirtatious and romantic)

"I promise I will always protect you, mon amor." Mexico looked away assuming that was a lie.

I saw his look and can't believe what I was going to do next; I held Mexico's shoulders, slightly "pinning" him; he blushed again, I took a deep breath and kissed him.

Mexico's eyes widened, tearing up a bit. 'No one's ever treated me this way before, it felt....nice' the Mexican thought. 

I backed away, "sorry Mexique..."

"E-es nada"

(After the lockdown everyone didn't have class that day, Mexico went back to his dorm)

(Mexico's POV) 


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