Just some fate?

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(Short chapter,but cringe comic)

As I woke up, I realised; I must of passed out; I looked around I saw both japan's there (the cat one and the male one). "Are you ok?", she said "you passed out when my brother tried asking for your forgiveness". "Oh." I said touching my face; the dried tears were gone. As I looked at the male Japan, all I saw when I looked at him all I saw, was... the.. Japanese empire".

I ran out scared of everyone at this point, I didn't want to die like how my mom did but at the same time I wanted to see her. It's been over 500 years since we last met. I've been abused by my dad to because he wanted me to be "a perfect country" but because of all that abuse, it led up to me being a very corrupt country; i had bandages all over my left hand and so much on my feet and legs, to the point where I couldn't even wear shoes. 

(A few minutes later; he's in his dorm)

As I stumbled to the wall, I spread my wings and put my hands over my head trying to get that noise out of my head. 'Get out of my head!!', as I thought of that my vision got blurry and all I saw was...a silhouette of, a girl?

'I-I'm seeing things.' I thought, before I could even say something to 'her'; 'she' turned around and suddenly the 'blurry' area changed into a peaceful place with milky white clouds.

The "girl' spread her wings and flew up and I suddenly realised who it was. My eyes opened widely, and I suddenly started to cry. 'Mom' I tried to talk to her but I choked up every time I tried. 'Am I dead, or is this one of the perks I have?' (Btw it's able to see the dead)

He trembled "i-I-I'm seeing things!" he repeatedly said, until the silhouette flew a bit closer to him. She touched his son's face trying to reassure him.


Just one moment..// AU // Country-humansDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora