What the night brings

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Notes: Honestly, I really could have turned this into a 25k slow burn... but I managed to hold myself back. Basically, the whole idea is that after the apocalypse (you choose which one) TFW decides to take a break and only hunt when another hunter needs help. Of course, with all that downtime Dean and Cas have to talk about their feelings sooner rather than later (for poor Sammy's sake). However, since being open with Cas is kinda new to Dean it just so happens that they are affectionate towards each other is during sundown. As soon as the sun comes up everything goes back to "normal" and it seems that Dean and Cas are back to "just friends." Maybe if I had the time or effort I would write that whole thing out but IDK just an idea for now.

When Dean zones back in, he finds himself leaning against Castiel on one of the bunker's many seats in the library. It was subtle, not enough to raise too much of a commotion, but close enough to be able to feel the warmth of Cas' body.

Cases had slowed to a lull, and for the first time in a while, Dean found himself in the library actually enjoying a read with his-- with Cas.

Clomping into the room like a 4-ton moose, Sam walks in looking very disgruntled. "Hey, uh, guys,"

Dean and Cas spring apart. Dean winces but Sam ignores them.

"Did one of you use the last of the bread? I was planning on making sandwiches but you kinda need bread to make a sandwich."

The both of them shrug.

Sam groans, "Do you mind going out then and getting some? Since neither of you are going to fess up to actually using the last of the bread."

Dean gives his brother "the look."

Seriously dude? He tried to say with his eyes, Do you have to ruin my perfectly fine evening with Cas like this?

Cas had learned a lot of new things after becoming human; the ability to read a room was not one of them. "That sounds like a great idea Sam. We are also low on coffee grounds so I assumed we would have needed to make a trip soon anyways."

Dean does his best to mask his groan as Cas gets up. Was it really too much to ask to have an afternoon where they did nothing?

"Yeah sure, we'll go out," Dean grunts, "It's not like we got anything better to do."

Almost involuntarily, Dean leans in for a kiss as he stands to meet Cas' level.

Eyes going wide, Dean suddenly remembers that his brother is still standing in the doorway. It was the first time he had kissed Cas in front of Sam. Shit.

Upon realizing this, Dean bursts into a coughing fit and-- platonically-- makes do with a ruffle of Cas' hair before pushing him towards the door, "I'll, uh, meet you in the car."

In a wide arc Dean casually throws Cas the keys as he makes his way out. "You can pull her around to the front, but DON'T YOU DARE SCRATCH MY BABY." He points a threatening finger towards the direction that Cas had left. But the former angel hadn't heard him. He was already out the gone; the thickness of the bunker's metal doors clanging shut behind him.

Dean doesn't turn around to face his brother until he can hear the hum of the impala starting up in the garage. "Look Sam I know what you're going to say-"

"No you don't," Sam interrupts, in typical little brother fashion.

At this Dean's brow furrows. "Listen. I know you're not the most comfortable with me and Cas, but I'm stuck with Cas and you're stuck with me- "

"Dean..." Sam claps his brother on the shoulder, "Listen, I'm just happy that you're finally happy. We've saved the world enough, Cas is the least you could have that begins to make up for that." Sam's hand slides off Dean's shoulder and drags through his hair. "Hell, if I have to listen to bee facts and all the different ways honey can be collected just to see you smile... then so be it."

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