Black Sabbath

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Notes: For my geeky friend,

I think this is crap but I got yelled at for not posting this so here you guys go :)

On a hunt in the middle of nowhere John goes out to fight the monster of the week and tells 9-year-old Dean "stay in the motel don't come out protect Sammy at all costs blah blah blah" but it just so happens that Black Sabbath is also in town for a couple of nights as well and they're only a short bus ride down the street so without telling John cause god knows Dad would kill him if he found out that he left the room for a ROCK CONCERT Dean pulls Sammy out of the room down the street and because of details he'll never share he uses his "special skills" to bob and weave so they both end up backstage for the ultimate experience and when the concert is done Dean's about to explode cause HOW COOL WAS THAT SAMMY?!

It was his first concert after all and after he nicked a pair of headphones from the wall Sammy seemed to really enjoy himself but then he feels a tap on his shoulder and he reaches for his knife and throws a hand around Sammy but he turns around and has to control his breath cause Dad says it's never good to be rushed like this but it's the lead singer (who Dean OBVIOUSLY knows the name of) and something comes out of his mouth like hey kid where are your parents?

But Dean doesn't hear him because that thing in his chest is going a mile a minute and he's trying his best to calm it down.

Then the lead singer is saying something and Dean says something in return but he really can't hear himself and then the singer is holding out his guitar and Dean makes out something like "show me what you got kid" and now he's frozen but only for a second cause Sammy is elbowing him in the ribs cause this has always been his dream to be a Rockstar when he grew up and of course he's seen black sabbath on the motel TVs and heard them in the car and hours driving with Dad Dean has never touched a guitar in his life but still knows every single chord by heart and before he even knows it the guitar is in his hands and a strap is around his neck and he's doing it Holy crap he's actually doing it and he looks over to his left to check on Sammy cause that's his job to check on Sammy and his little brother is in the lap of the drummer grinning from ear to ear--

Something Dean hasn't seen since uncle Bobby took them to their first baseball game--

And banging away at the drums kinda going to the beat (he is 5 after all) and just like this it could have been hours or maybe just seconds like this but eventually the lights are dimming and the singer says he has to get packed up for the next show but he's clapping Dean on the back and removing the guitar from him and saying "not bad kid."

And Dean can't help the look on his face.

It's like a puppy that was just given a bone and the singer laughs then glances around then slides Dean something.

At first, Dean thinks it's a wad of cash from the way he's holding it but it turns out to be something 10 times more valuable it's a BLACK SABBATH MIXTAPE FROM BLACK SABBATH and SAMMY COME CHECK THIS OUT and NO WAY BEAN!


And he's thanking the singer/his idol over and over again but the lights are dimming and he's checking his watch and NO WAY IS THAT THE TIME?!

CRAP CRAP CRAP crap crap Dads gonna kill me we have to get back Right Now Sammy let's GO and he's pulling his brother off the drums and trying to thank the singer THANK YOU and shove the cassette into his pocket--


But none of that matters because if Dad finds out that Dean let Sammy out he'll be pissed for weeks just like last time--

That wasn't fun at all--


They don't even wait for the bus they just run the rest of the way back to the motel and thank god oh thank god Dad isn't back the car isn't in the driveway yet and shhh Sammy just jump into bed and pretend to be asleep Dad I'll be home in a second but Sam says he can't sleep AHHHH JUST PRETEND shhh please don't cry Sammy I'm sorry I yelled at you I didn't mean it I'm just stressed shhh here!


I'll put on some scooby doo you like that right?!


OK, good move over now I need to sleep here too and before the Scooby gang has caught the bad guy yet the rumble of the car is outside the room and the door slams louder than normal and Dean already knows that the hunt didn't go as planned cause Dad is struggling with the key so Dean has to get up from out of bed and open the door for him and Dad is stumbling through the front door, and as he passes Dean he has that sour smell all over him but mostly from his breath and that brown paper bag that he has in his hand and his words aren't coming out clearly.

He says something about a shower and the boys not being in bed yet and he keeps saying I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry over and over again--

Is he crying?

Who is he saying that to?

What is he sorry for?

But it doesn't matter because this isn't Dean's first rodeo--

Or his second...

Or his third...

So he knows what to do.

He always knows to stay away from the hand with the paper bag clutched in it.

He knows that there's a brown bottle in there with the amber liquid inside that makes Dad like this; short-tempered, angry, sad, emotional...


So Dean lays him down on the sofa, gives him water in his FREE hand and switches off the TV--

Despite Sammy's complaints from the bed--

And shuts off the lights, twisting the small gift in his hand.

Sammy is asleep almost instantly and Dad is not too far behind.

Dean however is the last one to fall asleep; still going over the night's events.






Flipping the cassette over in his hands he finds himself starting to yawn and before he can even help himself he's falling asleep next to his little brother.

They never speak about the night again till 15 years later when Dad's been on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days and Dean needs his little brother's help again.

As Dean pumps for gas and brings Sammy the breakfast of champions his little brother flips through his cassette box and Oh shut up Sammy they're cassettes I'm not gonna throw them out but before he can even say that Sam is stopping and pausing on one specific cassette that catches his eye.

It's grimey and older than most of them and it's obviously been the one most used.

Looks about 15 years old Sam thinks and suddenly that entire night all those some odd years ago comes back to him; despite him being what...

5 at the time?

He smiles at the memory.

How much more of a father Dean was to him than John EVER was.

He chuckles and waves The Cassette in front of his brother's face.

"Black Sabbath Dean?"


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