Back in Black

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Notes: The stuff in italics I was just too lazy to write. Enjoy :)

*I properly summon Dean as a demon at a crossroads. When he arrives he's picking dirt from under his nails.*

"Why the hell am I here? Please make this quick."

I stare at the demon, my guard dropping for only a second. "I wanted to see if the rumors were true."

"Well it's nice to know that I have fans. But if that's all, I'll be on my merry way." Dean tries to snap his fingers and disappear. Nothing happens.

I pull out my flashlight and shine it around his feet, illuminating a dark circle in the gravel. "Devil's trap genius."

Dean looks back at me bewildered.

"Black spray paint." I explain, "Harder to see at night."

Dean rocks his head from side to side, popping the bones in his neck as he rings out his hands, "Oh you crafty little-"


*Since Dean is stuck in the Devil's trap I start to explain to him the reason I summoned him here in the first place.*

I rock back and forth on my heels, "My aunt-"

Dean pauses as if thinking. "Grace or Rose?"

I stop rocking. "How do you know that?"

He taps the side of his head, "Perks of the job."

Against my better judgment, I continue, "It's my aunt Grace; she's sick. In the hospital."

The demon rolls his eyes at me. "Oh boohoo. Save me the sob fest."

"She raised me since I was a kid-" I continue.

Dean jams his hands into his pockets and looks around, as if already bored with my story. "Does she know that you..." He gestures to all my hunting equipment scattered about the surrounding area.

I scoff, waving my angel blade at him, "Hunt scumbags like you? No... All she knows is that I like to take extended fishing trips to a remote location where I rarely get cell service."

Dean sways back and forth, "Ah yes... fishing. That's one thing I've missed since my..." He pauses, searching for the right word, "Upgrade."

I wave him aside. "I just wanna know how it happened."

Dean rolls his eyes and crosses his hands over his chest, "Darling, you're going to have to be more specific."

"How you became..." I motion between my eyes.

"New and improved?" He lets out a cold laugh, "Well it's actually a long story-"

"You died and Crowley brought you back." I guess.

"Well to put it simply; yes and no..." He rocks his head from side to side then stops, "How do you know Crowley?"

I lift up the base of the shirt I was wearing, showing an anti-possession tattoo with an enochian warding spell tattooed above that. 'We've had a couple run-ins."

He nods at me with satisfaction, "Humph... So," He rubs his hands together, "are we gonna do some business or what? I'm assuming you didn't tell me all about your aunt Grace for nothin'."

I hold back the thought of killing him right now. I let out a long breath, trying to conjure some courage. "Can you give her more time?

This time it's Dean's turn to let out a long breath, "Well... that's a tricky one-"

"It's a yes or no question bottom feeder." I hiss.

He laughs at my meager insults, scoffing at me, "Bottom feeder? Sure haven't heard that one yet..."

My death stare finally makes him answer the question. "Yes we can give your poor aunty some time."

"Ten years."

The demon lets out an over dramatic laugh at my wager. "Oh honey, I'm good but I'm not THAT good... I can give her an extra five; then I'll be back to pick you up in ten. Like always."

My angel blade falls to my side, "FIVE?! You're joking."

Dean returns to picking dirt from underneath his nails, "It's either that or two."

I turn away from him and rub my temples, whispering under my breath, "I don't like this."

"Well I don't care, so make up your mind." The demon over my shoulder says.

"Five years." I think to myself. It's better than nothing. Sure as hell better than the doctors telling me six months. "Fine." I shake my head and turn back to Dean, holding out my hand for him to shake. "I'll do five."

He lets out another ice cold laugh. "Oh, your poor innocent girl..." He cocks his head, "That's not how we seal deals and you know it."


*I step inside the Devil's trap to seal the deal. After the kiss I pull away disgusted. Thunder rumbles in the distance.*

Dean pulls away, dragging a hand over his mouth, "Not bad."

Meanwhile I try to spit out the taste of demon. "Tastes like straight alcohol." I tell him, "Do you brush your teeth with vodka?"

He studies me carefully. "Vodka? No, more of a bourbon or whiskey person myself... Whiskey, DEMON actually." He corrects himself.

I let out another scoff, "You know I looked up to you? When you were still... YOU." This time I'm the one to coldly laugh, "Hell, I fucking IDOLIZED you. You were right up there next to Superman for a fucking MYTH... Now look at you." I roll my eyes and with a single spin of my blade, I bend down to the gravel and scratch out a line in the Devil's trap. "Whatever... be free I guess."

Despite it being three in the morning, a pair of sunglasses appears on Dean's face right after he gives me a wink. "Back in Black, baby."

He snaps his fingers once more and this time, he disappears.

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