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             THE KEY OF BLACK SWAN

        “We should get out of here before sunrise..” Opined Adam. They all agreed and got out climbing the ladder, They closed the passage door and arranged the shelves as it was before leaving the library. “You guys leave, I have an unfinished business in the palace..” “But Adam-” His glare made Derek stop his words in between. Adam left for the palace and Derek, Kai and Fox left to home.

         They entered the home thinking no one was home yet, “They are still in the factory huh?” Derek looked around. “Let’s sleep then..” Fox left to her room which she shared with Agnes. Derek went to the balcony, “Haa finally I can sleep! It was a tough game.” Said Kai patting himself on the shoulders and went towards his room. “You are already here? I thought you guys were still looking for the key..” Said Agnes as soon as Fox opened the door and came in. “We got the key! But wait- where is Veronica, and the others?” Fox asked looking around. “Arthur went to the heart lake to get informations from some guard, Wolf and Veronica are still in the factory.” “How come you both returned so soon?” “We found an unconscious girl in the factory and-” “You guys brought the kid home?” Fox asked raising her eyebrow. “Yes?” “As expected no wonder, Where is she now?” “There was no room unlocked so she is in Kai’s room.” “Oh- Wait- Oh No-” “What?” Agnes asked confused.

        “Ahh finally..” Kai opened the door went inside and locked the door from inside. “Excuse-” “Great! You came again? Ugh stop roaming around my mind kid..” “Uh?” “Waah! I think I’m going crazy now! This Kid also started talking?” “But-” “Uh huh- Shhh.. Don’t talk I’ll just pretend you are not here and you’ll fade away eventually Kid!” Kai turned towards the window and started removing his shirt, “Please stop..” “Listen Akimi it’s not very likely of you to roam around me like hallucination..” “I am not an hallucination Kid! I need to know where the hell am I..” “Haha- Good joke now go- fade away please I need some privacy.” “Listen Kid..” Akimi pulled Kai’s hair and continued, “Is it believable enough? Now put some clothes on.” Akimi left the room and slammed the door. “I- Wha- I thought- Ughh Kai!! kkeutnass-eo!! (It’s Over!!) Kai kneeled down with his eyes wide opened embarrassed.

        “Come out..come out I can see you behind the clock..Akimi!” “She saw us..”
Said Wolf thinking hard. “Wait didn’t you say Akimi was Hydra’s daughter? Does that mean the kid we brought home-” Wolf placed his finger on her mouth, “Stay right here okay?” Said Wolf and went in front of Hydra alone, “Aah!! It’s you royal dog! I never expected you here..” “Huh? You didn’t expect me here? Ugh aren’t you the one who’s out of your little nest.” “God you always piss me off.” Hydra grabbed Wolf by his hair, “I’ve waited long for this..” She pulled out her knife to stab him. Veronica came out of no where and hit Hydra’s head with a huge stick but it didn’t even affect her a bit. “I told you to- Ugh..” Wolf glared at Veronica, By the time he looked back at Hydra her men knocked both Veronica and Wolf unconscious.

          Wolf opened his eyes to see a huge crowd surrounding him, Inside a huge battle circle. The moment he looked around he realised he was in the slums. He saw Veronica in one corner tied up, And Hydra sitting like she was sitting on a thrown, She was indeed the queen of the slums. “Finally you are awake huh?” “Let her go, You can kill me.” “I knew you would say that but- There’s no fun in it, Isn’t it?” “What do you want then?” Hydra laughed hysterically, “Me? A fair battle with you of course, If you lose we keep her as a servant..” “What if he wins?” Veronica’s voice echoed, Silence filled between the crowd. “What? Is that even possible?” Hydra laughed and continued, “Fine then, what do you want?” “The key on the necklace..” A wide grin was visible on Veronica’s face, “The swan key which represent who’s the real Royal Dog here!” The man who was holding Veronica back slapped her hard which made her lips bleed, Veronica laughed. “Why? You scared? You said you wanted a fair play didn’t you?” Veronica stared straight at Hydra’s eyes.

        Fox and Agnes rushed down the stairs to see Akimi was already out of the room, “I think we are late..” Said Fox and slowly opened door and entered the room, Kai was rolling over and kicking his legs on the bed out embarrassment, “...Okay..?” Fox slowly closed the door and went outside. “Where am I?” Akimi asked them, She was sitting on a chair beside the table with her down. “Listen Kid-” “Akimi! Call me by my name..” Fox’s hear skipped a beat, “A- Akimi?” Akimi nodded her head, “I always wanted to join with all of you..But looks like you just made it easy for me by kidnapping me.” “We didn’t kidnap you..” “I don’t care! I’m not going back to the slum..Where is the tall guy with long hair who has a scar on his face?” “He- He is still in the factory..”Agnes answered. “We should get him back then..” Akimi pulled Agnes and Fox with her.

       After some time of thinking Hydra finally agreed to give them the key if they win. “Fine! I will give you the key..If he defeats me.” Wolf and Veronica smiled at each other “I believe in you..” Veronica mouthed to him. Hydra removed her huge fur coat and entered the battle circle, “Ready to die?” Asked Hydra throwing a sword at him. Wolf picked up the sword without a second thought. Before Wolf stood back straight Hydra made her first move and her sword slashed his chest, He kneeled down on one knee pinning the sword to the ground. Blood dripping from his chest through his torn shirt.

       Next to the heart lake, Arthur was sitting beside a tree as he was waiting for something. Putting an end to his wait the royal guard arrived handed him the letter and left. “I can’t be seen with you your majesty, I must leave.” Arthur nodded and the guard left. The letter informed him about Ezra was taken to get married with Cyrus and that they’ve decided to kill Rainier and the rest of the prisoners before next full moon. Arthur crumbled the paper and threw it in the water.

       Akimi, Fox and Agnes looked for Wolf and Veronica everywhere but they couldn’t find them anywhere. Akimi searched outside and saw horse shoe marks. “You all!!” Fox and Agnes rushed out to her, “They are not safe..” “Why?” “I recognise these marks it’s the slums.” “They’ve been taken by Hydra?” Akimi nodded nervously to Fox. “I have to go back to the slum..” Whispered Akimi and started running but Agnes stopped her by grabbing her arm. Akimi turned around confused. “You are not going anywhere alone, We are coming with you..” Agnes could notice her eyes tearing up. A small smile was visible on Akimi’s face, No one has ever seen Akimi smile.

        It felt like even the crowd was holding their breadth, Wolf and Hydra was panting heavily. They both moved towards each other simultaneously, Their swords collided with a spark. They both pushed each other away, Wolf collapsed on the ground. Seeing this as an opportunity Hydra swayed her sword right at him but he blocked it and kicked her stomach, He got back on his feet with the support of his sword, groaning with pain. “You really thought you could win huh? That girl is gonna rot to death here..” They both swayed their sword at each other and it collided in the mid air, But this time with a turn of events.

         Hydra’s sword shattered into pieces, A pieces of it cut right through her face and hand. Wolf kicked her to the ground and pointed his sword at her neck. Without killing her he pinned her hand to the ground with his sword. He smirked at her, “I won fair enough..” He walked back and untied Veronica. “You did it..” Veronica smiled, But her smile suddenly turned to a gasp. “Not so easy.” Behind him stood Hydra pointing his sword at him.

YOU REALLY THOUGHT I WILL GIVE                                                      YOU WHAT YOU WANT?

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