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Author: This chapter contains all the history,rules and cultures about the kingdoms which are mentioned in this story. You will get confused in the future if you don't read this chapter.

So it is best that you memorize it. I will try not to make it complicated. You can always read it again if you don't understand anything in the future.


There are mainly 3 kingdoms mentioned in this story which are:

Kingdom Arona
Kingdom Orden
Kingdom Edulus

Kingdom Arona:

Kingdom Arona's name is taken from a word "Arena" which means battle field. Kingdom Arona is the most powerful and most modern kingdom of this world.

It is #1 in terms of modern technology and nuclear weapons.

Kingdom Orden:

This kingdom's name is derived from 2 words "Orchard" and "Garden" .
This kingdom is famous for its natural beauty. It ranks #1 in terms of fruits and vegetable production.

Kingdom Edulus:

Kingdom Edulus is no more now. It was the most ancient and most perfect kingdom of the world.


Kingdom Arona,Orden and Edulus were once best friends but almost 13 years ago Kingdom Edulus was under attack.

Kingdom Edulus was originally an island while Kingdom Orden and Arona were a little far from Kingdom Edulus and shared their borders.

When Kingdom Edulus was attacked, the other two kingdoms weren't able to send help immediately and when they got was too late......

There was nothing left except for ashes and some ruined buildings. The royal castle had disappeared into thin air like it never existed. And most importantly it wasn't an ordinary castle, the whole palace was made of diamonds and rare crystals.....

And only the Royal families of Kingdom Arona and Kingdom Orden knew about the location of that island to prevent other people from going there in search of those rare crystals and diamonds

The prince who was 7 years old  and princess who was 5 years old were last seen escaping through a boat....after that no one saw them.

There was also another princess at that time living with them who was the daughter of the Emperor's late brother. But she went missing as well.

All the evidences that were found were related to the Kingdom Orden and so Kingdom Arona believed that it was The Royal family of Kingdom Orden who launched that attack.

Kingdom Orden tried to clarify this but Kingdom Arona was not convinced.

So, after that both kingdoms became each other's enemy.


Kingdom Orden's Royal family had no heir to the throne so after the emperor passed away the empress decided to find the candidate to be the next heir.

The candidate would be a girl because it was thought that men would prefer war over peace with Kingdom Arona.

There was a competition held a few years ago in which the empress came up with many ways to select the next Queen.

There were competitions to test one's fashion sense,table manners, elegance, self defence, intelligence, war tactics, their true personality(to test whether it was a facade or not) , a talent test and even cooking. In fact the next Queen needed to be perfect in every way.

And the competition was supposed to be held every after 3 years so that if the people were not satisfied with the new queen they could choose a new queen.

And the current Queen..... Queen Auria has been winning this competition since the very start.


On the other hand, Kingdom Arona's emperor has two heirs but recently one of them ran away from the kingdom because he/she did not want the throne and wanted to be independent.

Only people working inside the palace know whether the heir to the throne is a prince or princess.

While the second child of the emperor is a prince who is currently 16 years old.


And there is one most important thing....that is.....all the true Royal members of all the kingdoms have at least one type of magic.

While there are a very very few geniuses who also have magic but they aren't related to the royal families.

The current Queen of Orden “Queen Auria" also has magic. So in other words, having a magic power is necessary to be the Queen of Orden.

In the previous years, no other girl had magic so Queen Auria has been holding her position up until now


So guys! I hope you understood this chapter.
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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