Saving the damsel in distress

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After the fight in cafè Elsa and Serena decided to go home by themselves . Their houses were in opposite directions so they decided to go by themselves alone.

Elsa's pov:

I was walking on my own on empty was starting to get dark and my heartbeat was getting faster and faster every second. Wellllll...... I have this phobia of darkness which i know is super lame for a girl like me but what can i do about it. Well actually there's a reason for this phobia.

I was walking near a dark alley when i saw some shadows coming near me.

“Well well well look what we have here" a fat old guy said while 8-9 other people were following him. They were definitely some hooligans. I knew that.

“What are you doing here lil'lady and that too at night" the old fat guy who looked like the leader said.

I ignored them and moved pass them but i knew they weren't gonna let me just go away so yeah they stopped me by surrounding me. “Where do you think you are going!????" One of them said. “Leave my way if you value your life" I said while giving a deadly glare. They got scared for a second but soon started laughing.

“Haha now even little girls have started giving us threats" the leader said. “Boys!!!!! Let's take her home for tonight. I'm sure she'll be very fun to play with". Oh boy! You wouldn't wanna mess with me but oh well! I already warned you all.

“Well I can have fun with you here. Why bother taking me to your place" i said with a creepy smile. “Woah! Didn't expect you to be so feisty. Now that you have agreed obediently then we don't have to waste our energy" The leader again replied while coming near me.

Let's see who plays with who.

I grabbed his arm and smacked him to the ground which caused him to scream and others took out their guns and aimed at me.

Well okay??? I didn't know that they have guns. That wasn't in my plan. But it's okay i can handle them.

Just as i was about to fight the others, there was a sudden blackout in the area i was standing which caused it to be completely dark. There wasn't even the moonlight tonight. Which caused me to panic due to my stupid phobia. My heartbeat got very fast and breathing got unstable. I started breathing very fast. I needed to calm down but one of the other men started punching me.

I dodged every punch of his in time and kicked him in the stomach and he hit the wall behind him. Seeing this all of the others who were left charged towards me at once. I wasn't in my senses, i was scared of the dark and i didn't know what to do. I thought of using____ but then i thought that they are normal people and i will be punished if i use it so i decided to just defend myself by using physical moves

I tried defending myself and knocked out 5 of them in total including the leader and 4 were left. I couldn't go on anymore as i was scared of the darkness to the extent i was starting to get unconscious. Just then i felt sudden pain in my head and i got to know that one of them has hit my head with an iron rod.

I fell down, blood was rushing out of my head and i couldn't do anything. I heard 4 gunshots before i lost my consciousness


That's it for today^^
What do you think about this chapter guys??
Any idea about gunshots???
Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote
Love you all♥

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