Happy Birthday: Sam Wilson xReader

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A/N: My first ever request on here! Thank you so much *insert username here because idk if you want your name attached to this* I'm sorry this took literal ages! Work and mental health killed me. Anyway, here it is!

Sam had a very special plan for y/n's birthday. That plan, taking her virginity. What Sam didn't know is that y/n had concocted a plan of her own. It's not something they haven't talked about before. They've had so many conversations about how she wants it to go. Of course, when they would talk about it, it would be at girls' nights that Sam almost always crashed. Listen, he loved a good gossip session, and add sangrias on top of it. You would have to restrain him to keep him away. Eventually, the girls of the compound just let him join in without any issue. 

Of course one of the things he wasn't prepared for was the amount of sex talk he would be involved in. The girls all complained about their men's or women's issues in bed. Natasha didn't usually have too many complaints, but she did tend to complain that her girlfriend wasn't as open to trying things as Nat was.

Wanda complained about Vision while most of the group silently wondered how they managed to do anything. And if Vision could even feel...anything. Most of Wanda's complaints revolved around Vision's continuous phasing through walls. 

Y/n however, had the most interesting things to talk about in Sam's opinion. One too many sangrias and y/n would be running her mouth about all sorts of things. Most prominently, her sex life. Well, lack thereof. She would talk about her sex dreams and occasionally let slip her crush on Sam. It wasn't like he didn't know she liked him. Of course, he knew! Y/n may be good at keeping a secret when lives were at stake, but other than that, she was a grade-A horrible secret keeper.  No one could tell her anything before she went all Nick Miller and told the whole rest of the team. 

So, of course, he could see her blush every time he walked into a room. Or how she leaned his way when he was close to her. However, once she let it slip verbally how much she liked him, he felt a little surprised. Almost like he wasn't ever expecting validation of his assumptions. He also never expected to find out how many things she thought sounded like a great time. From edging, overstimulation, rigging, bondage, even to pegging (though the thought of that one made his stomach knot up a little). Sometimes when y/n would describe her dreams to the group, Sam would have to excuse himself because the thought of doing those things to y/n was more than enough to fizz up his can of red bull, if you catch my drift (because it gives you wings).

Oftentimes, when y/n was particularly tipsy, Sam would cut the night short and head back to his room to let off some steam. His best friends those nights were a bottle of lotion (sadly the same y/n used because he couldn't help himself), and his hand. He would lay in bed and concoct the perfect idea to deflower (ew) the woman of his dreams.

Sam pulled y/n close to his body as he continued to kiss her. His tongue roaming her mouth and her's roaming his as their mouths danced together. Soft moans escaped her lips as she moved her body against his own. Sam's hands slowly roamed the soft curves of y/n's body until he met her hips. He began tugging at her underwear until they finally freed themselves from her hips. Moving away from her mouth, Sam began trailing kisses down the canyon of her breasts, around the dip of her belly button, until he finally made his way to her thighs. He sucked and nipped at them before pressing a feather-light kiss on the tip of her clit. The sound of her moan was enough to make him cum right there, but the thought of feeling her around him was enough to hold out. He pressed another kiss to y/n's soft clit before pulling it into his mouth to suck. 

Y/n's face turned a hundred different shades of red as Wanda began to describe what she was picking up from Sam's thoughts. Usually, Wanda didn't like to intrude, but the way Sam all but ran out of the room concerned the three girls. Even when he excused himself early, it wasn't usually that quickly. When Wanda first picked up on is thoughts, she wasn't going to tell the group but the face she made was too expressive and Natasha threatened to beat it out of her. None of them were expecting that.

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