Quiet. : Loki xReader

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Today sucked. Work sucked. Your boss sucked. Everything sucked. Your boss has been in a particularly cranky mood all morning, and even though your department was currently not busy at all, your boss continued to berate you for not doing enough work. What were you supposed to do? Magically make people phone the office? It wasn't until around noon that your boss walked in with a pile of paperwork, enough to make sure that you wouldn't be leaving your desk until the end of the day, if not later.

Shuffling through the paperwork, you finally start working. The boring day continues as you work through the piles of paper in front of you. As you work, your mind wandered. You think about your grocery list, your best friend's wedding coming up, and the date you had the other night. Your boyfriend had decided to take you out on a romantic day trip to Paris. He loved going to different places for the day and taking you in different landmarks around the globe. He said he had a bucket list, he proudly called his fucket list. He liked the risk of possibly being found or even better, telling you to stay quiet as he turned the two of you invisible and fucked you in front of strangers who would never be the wiser unless you made a noise of course.

Fuck! I can feel myself dripping already. I'm going to have to invite Loki over later for a booty call. Can you booty call your boyfriend?

No, when you invite me over, it's just for a good time. Not a booty call.

You almost screamed in surprise when you heard the sound of your boyfriend's voice in your head. One thing about you never could get used to was his ability to read your mind, even when you weren't near him.

Quiet, love. You don't want anyone to know I'm here.

Here? You questioned in your mind, knowing that he would hear you. You looked around your office but still saw no one.

Look down, love.

You looked down to see Loki kneeling underneath your desk. His grin was more than mischievous. It made your stomach turn in anticipation of whatever he had in mind. You knew that it would either get you fired or make your afternoon infinitely more entertaining.

I heard what you were thinking from Asgard and I couldn't help myself. I needed to taste you now. You became the only thing that could quench my insatiable thirst. I want to devour you, y/n. I want to make you squirm and try to hold in your moans until you're beet red and can barely stand it anymore. Then, and only when you can't stand it anymore. I will make you cum. I will make you want to scream so loud your boss is sure to hear it. But if you do scream, you are surely going to be fired. So, I suggest you stay silent. Who knows, if you make a noise, I may stop. I may leave you writhing in unfinished pleasure.

A soft squeak left your throat without you realizing it as you nod slowly.

I need to hear you tell me what you want. Loki licked his lips. His fingers lightly trailing the outline of your underwear under your skirt. You breathed in a sharp breath and closed your eyes.

Eyes open, darling. We can't have anyone guessing what we are doing in here.

Loki, please.

Please? Please, what? Do you want me to touch you? Or would a light gust of air do the trick? He pulled your underwear to the side and blew lightly on your clit. You squirmed in your chair as the air hit you, you could already feel yourself dripping.

Look at you. I haven't even touched you and you're already so far gone. Unfortunately, I need to hear what you want, or I may just have to leave you here to fend for yourself. But, if you do touch yourself without me, I will have to punish you. I'm thinking, no orgasms for a month? Maybe two?

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