As the night falls

15 3 5

As the night falls
The wind blows with an unheard of intensity
Helping the chill to settle deep
Into skin and bone

The moon shines
While lips turn blue
Because you left them outside
Waiting for you

You forgot
To be honest
I would too
For outside was cold
Your bed warm

But there they sat
Skin tight
Muscle unresponsive
Cold to the bone

For that night
They weren't prepared
To wait so long
Out in the chill
Where the dark lonely moon
Shown down on them
Till their last breath

They didn't go home that night
For they waited past midnight
When the temperature dropped
Much past freezing
And then they were never able to go home again

Their ghost stills sits
Waiting for you
But you would never know
For you can't see them
And only they, can see you

This popped in my head one day and I thought why not? So here it is. Hope you enjoyed

Pic isn't mine



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