Chapter 10

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"But it's still dark out, Estel!" Emily's indignant cry carried into the brisk morning air as she buried her head under the covers dramatically.

Estel laughed loudly from the hallway.

"The only reason for that, Emily, is because your eyes are still closed! The sun rose at least an hour ago, it just hasn't reached high enough to grace the valley. Now get up and dress, we have things to do today. And if I have to return to encourage you, I'm bringing ice water."

With that threat, he left Emily to measure out how likely it would be that he would actually follow through with it.

After careful consideration, she decided it was better not to risk it and proceeded to drag herself up to get dressed.

Every fiber of her being was inwardly grumbling, in a most unbecoming fashion, about the hazards of morning people and why they should all be locked up until at least early afternoon.

With how chipper the man was, Emily couldn't help being exasperated. Clearly, he was feeling well-rested and in higher spirits than Emily had seen him in since his return. He was humming the twin's annoying 'Wake up Song' loudly from the hallway and she had a strong feeling it was to purposely irritate her.

Emily scowled at the door as she blearily looked for her comb, forgetting which corner she had chucked it.

The humming turned into whistling which was delightfully cut off by a surprised cry, water hitting the floor, and the clatter of a bucket.

Blinking, Emily took a moment to process and theorize what happened. Pieces fell together quickly enough, and Emily smirked gleefully, not at all sorry that by the sounds of it her friend had just fallen victim to a prank.

Eager to see what had befallen Estel, Emily dashed to grab her shoes and open the door.

Estel stood in a puddle of water near the small linen closet between the rooms. The door was open, and he stared at a string in his hands as he dripped on the floors like a drowned wolfhound. It wasn't a difficult leap to see that he had been lured to the closet by the trail of string and surprised when he opened the door by a well-placed water bucket.

Emily grinned broadly.

"Classic," she said, nodding in approval. "Seriously, I can't believe you fell for that!"

He shook his head ruefully, splattering water everywhere as he did so, and smiled foolishly.

"Neither can I!" He confessed.

Emily shrugged and sniggered. "Perhaps it's just the universe's way of punishing you for waking me up so early?"

Estel looked at her suspiciously as if he wondered about her involvement in his mishap, but seemed to quickly dismiss the idea.

"It isn't really that early. Now come! We do not have all day."

She followed him, having to run a bit to keep up with his long legs as he sprang down the stairwell.

Evidently, he didn't mind being wet because he was still dripping water everywhere as they went. This earned him disapproving looks from some of the household staff who seemed overly obsessed with keeping everything immaculate.

Stopping only briefly at the kitchens to grab a quick breakfast, Estel led Emily away from the last homely house and deep into the woods.

Emily knew better than to ask what was going on. She had already tried once, but Estel wouldn't tell her. After walking a fair distance into territory that was unfamiliar to Emily, they stopped.

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