Poke'mon Training

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): Oh, I just remembered I need to work on something for Charizard. Will you be alright here?

Blake: Yeah, we'll just be hanging out reading. What are you working on?

(Y/n): You'll have to wait and see. Come on, Charizard!

Charizard: *affirmative*

I walk to the armory and blacksmith room, the school has for students to maintain their weapons and armor.

Charizard: *inquisitive* ?

(Y/n): Well, I figured you and probably a few others could benefit from some armor.

Charizard: *unsure*

(Y/n): I know it sounds heavy, but you and my other poke'mon mean too much to me, I don't want to risk losing any of you. Will you at least try?

Charizard: .... *agreement*

(Y/n): Thank you, my best friend.

Charizard: *affectionate lick*

(Y/n): *chuckles* Now, let's get the forge working.

After 4 days of almost nonstop work, Charizard's armor is done and it looks like it could take on the world.

(Y/n): Not bad, if I do say so myself.

Ruby: Oh my gosh! That looks so cool! Can I help test it?

(Y/n): Maybe in a little bit, first I need to check how Charizard flies with it on. Ready to try it on, bud?

Charizard: *agreement*

It takes a little while but Charizard is finally outfitted and ready for a test flight.

It takes a little while but Charizard is finally outfitted and ready for a test flight

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I put on some flight gear myself and we set out over for the Emerald Forest.

*Interrupt Story Momentarily*

(A/N): Alright, sorry for the interruption, but I wanted to run through Charizard's armor and the features it has.

First off, it's armor, duh. It's a perfect blend of being lightweight but also extreme durability, it can resist claws, teeth, talons as well as many melee weapons. It is resistant to most firearms ranging from small caliber to shotgun slugs, it is still vulnerable from high caliber rifles and high explosives. You also equipped the helmet with a one way communicator to let you give Charizard commands from long distances, a tracking device to let you find Charizard should you get separated. You've also given Charizard a device that will allow you to see what Charizard sees and let's you plan an attack according to what Charizard sees. The device that both you and Charizard wear is displayed below.

A Man that Summon Monsters (Pokemon Trainer x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now