•Fuzzy Feelings•

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I wake up with an emptiness in my stomach and Soda's arm around me. I take his arm off of me and get out of the bed. I grab a fresh set of clothes from the dresser and head to the shower. I start the shower and wash the old grease out of my hair. Then I hear Soda messing around in the kitchen. "Mornin' soda!" I yell getting out of the shower drying myself off with the towel.

"Mornin' Pone."

"Dont be so loud you wake Darry up and he'll be pissed the whole day." I say putting my clothes on.

"I will 'soon as you watch your mouth lil buddy."

"Oh, Shut your trap. It ain't nothing you haven't heard before, ya big baby" I walk out of the bathroom. I go to him and he ruffles up my hair. I slap the back of his head jokingly "Your lucky I haven't greased my hair yet."

He laughs and I hear the door open from behind me. "Dont-" soda gets interrupted by the door slaming shut as I turn my head and see Steve and two-bit."-slam the door."

"You know saying that won't help any." I laugh.

"Yeah kids' gotta point." Two-bit says putting me into a head lock an messing up my hair. I fail to push his arm away. I force myself backwards falling to the ground and start wrestling him.

"Lay off two." A familiar voice says. I raise my head and see darry standing there with his arms crossed.

"Man." Two-bit says pushing me off.

I laugh as I stand up, dally walks in. "Hey dal."

"Hey, there's a party at Bucks tonight anyone comin?"

"Isn't there always a party at buck's?"

"Yeah, whatever, whose coming?"

"Not pony." Darry puts his hand on my shoulder.

"We know that." I roll my eyes.

"Well me and soda'll come." Steve puts his arm around soda, with a slice of chocolate cake in his other hand. Soda smiles nervously.

"I'll come too I guess." Two-bit says with his eyes locked on the tv. They all start cheering and yelling.

"Were gonna get WASTED!" Soda puts his fists into the air. Everyone laughs.

"Better not pass out in the road." Darry says annoyed.

"No promises."

"Hey," I playfully slap his chest. "I'm hungry." He lightly slaps my back and goes into the kitchen to start cooking.

"Where's Johnnycakes, man?" Dally says with and eyebrow raised.

Oh right, Johnny, well here's the the thing. Since the church I had these weird feelings for him, which I obviously haven't told anyone about, but yeah. I do like him. Yeah know, as more than a friend. I'm sure he doesn't feel the same. Im sure he'd hate me if he found out. I don't want to ruin our friendship. "He, should be here soon." I turn my face away nervously as it turns red.

"Whats wrong pony?" Soda puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I-its nothing."

"You sure? Your getting red." He looks at me worriedly.

"Its because of Johnny." Steve says, making everyone laugh.

"Shut it." I cross my arms.

Darry walks out with mine and sodas food on plates. "Whats a the ruckus now?"

"Pony has a crush." Steve mocks.

"Oo, whose the lucky lady?" Darry gives soda and I our plates.

"Its no one, they're just joking." I sit on the chair.

Darry laughs as I start to eat my food. "Oh hey Johnny." Two says and I quickly look up from my food to the door. They all start laughing.

"Guys, stop." I roll my eyes and take my empty plate to the sink.

I hear the door open, I ignore it because they're probably trying to trick me again. "Speak of the devil."

"I'm not gonna fall for it this time."

"No pony, its me." I hear Johnny's laugh.

I quickly move my head and see Johnny standing at the front door. I also see the gang looking at me trying not to laugh but I ignore it. I speed walk up to him."H-hey Johnny." I smile nervously and my face turns red.

He smiles back at me. Me and him sit infront of the couch. "Hows it hanging john?" Dally Ruffles his hair.

Johnny shrugs.

Darry heads to the door. "I'm going to work, BEHAVE."

"Yes, we know, we wont." Two-bit pushes him out the door hurriedly.


"Have a good day at work." Two closes the door in his face.

Me and Johnny look at eachother confused. Two sits back on the couch. "So Johnny guess what?"


"Pony has a crush on someone." He nudges me.

My face turns bright red. "NO I DONT!" They laugh again. "Stop laughing, I don't like hi- a-anyone." I storm outside and sit on the porch steps. I pull a cigarette out of my pocket and light it. I take a long drag and blow out the smoke. I hear someone come out side and I turn my head and see Johnny.

"Hey again pone." He smiles.

"Hi." I take another drag on my cigarette.

"Got another weed?"

"Yeah." I hand him a cigarette and my lighter. He lights it and gives my lighter back.

He takes a drag and makes smoke rings in the air. He sighs. "Do you really like someone?"

"I-i- no I dont." I rub my neck anxiously. My face turns red.

"Your face has been really red and they told me what happened."

"Its nothing."

"Ok."He shrugs.

I put my cigarette out on the ground and Johnny does the same. We both go inside. "Oh, I have a question." He nods. "Wanna go to the movies with me later?"


"Ok." I smile.

"Aww, they're going on their first date." Steve jokes and They all laugh more.

My face turns red and I try to ignore them.

(1044 words)

Yay let's go first part, I'm not sure how often imma post but whatever. I hope yall enjoy. I am welcome to criticism just not too harsh like "this is ass please stop writing" just small things like "Its good but you should do this or that" idk

- your new mom  💋

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