chapter 33

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the next morning

"i hate this flying back and forth. i hate it, i hate it, i hate it!" you complain while jack puts your bags in the trunk. he closes the trunk door and gets in the driver's seat.

"i know, i know. i hate it too."

you have to fly back to wisconsin today, and you and jack are not happy about it.

"i'm just so sick of driving to the airport, getting on a plane, more driving, see you for a few days, and then have to do it all over again to get back home, waiting for the next time we see each other."

"yeah." jack loudly exhales. "wait, you're sick of seeing me?!" jack jokes, acting offended.

you slap his shoulder. "i didn't mean it like that."

"ouch! i was only joking." jack puts the car in reverse and backs out of the driveway. he doesn't need you to put in directions to the airport anymore, he's driven you there so many times now he can get there with his eyes closed.

you don't want to leave jack so soon, you start to cry a little, but you hold it in so jack won't see. jack knows you too well, so he notices.

"hey, hey. don't cry." jack tries to comfort you while drive at the same time.

"i can't do it anymore." you choke out.

jack is very concerned now. "can't do what anymore?"

"this." you point to yourself and then jack. you start to cry even harder.

"wait. wait. i'm confused. you can't do us anymore?"

you shake your head no.


"no, jack. it's just too much. the always going back and forth from school to your games, constantly missing each other, i just can't do it anymore. it's too overwhelming."

"i get it. but, being together makes that all worth it, that's why we do what we have to do to see each other." jack pleads his case over and over, trying to make you see what he sees. 

"i know. but it's exhausting. physically and mentally. i hate to say this but..."

jack's crying now too. "don't say it." he says softly, almost like a whisper.

"...but i think we need to take a break." as soon as those words come out of your mouth, tears stream out of your eyes, and you can barely catch your breath.

the car stays silent for the next 20 minutes until jack gets to the airport and pulls into a spot. tears are in both of your eyes, and you sniffle every once in a while.

"okay." jack puts shifts the car in park. "why do you want to take a break? i thought our relationship was fine?"

"our relationship is just fine. but i don't want to keep missing you how i miss you, it's bad."

"but you'll miss me just the same if we're together or taking a break, so let's just stay together, please."

you pause. what jack is saying makes sense, but you need to take a break from jack, even if it hurts the both of you. the long distance is really getting to you.

"jack," you take a deep breath. "it's not like i don't want to stay together, i just think a break-until school is over at least-would work for us."

"if the constant flying is the issue, i'll come and fly out to you any chance i can get." 

"your schedule is too crazy for you to do that, you know that."

"i'll make it work."

you don't say anything.

"so, wait. you just want to take a break from seeing each other, not a break in our relationship?" jack asks.

"i think so?"

"you made it seem like you wanted to break up with me forever!" jack starts to laugh a little.

"sorry, the long distance is driving me crazy, i definitely overthought it." jack wipes your tears away.

"it's okay, i thought you were sick of me." jack pouts.

"i'd never get sick of you. what i'm sick of is always flying somewhere while still managing school, my friends, and you. i have a very hard degree, you know?"

"oh trust me i know, ms. future president."

that makes you blush.

jack gets out of the car to grab your bags. you come out to help him take them out, he still can't do much with his sling.

"i think i maybe overthought everything on the way here and all my emotions built up. sorry again, i'm replaying what i said and i feel bad now."

"you think?! i was certain i was getting dumped."


"it's okay. you don't have to keep apologizing. am i seeing you for thanksgiving?" jack puts your bags on the ground and closes the trunk.

"yeah, i'll come by."

"okay perfect." jack kisses your cheek.

you and jack walk hand in hand into the airport. you stop walking once you reach the check in desks.

"okay, i'll see you in a month." you say, hugging jack. 

"yep. love you."

"love you too." jack walks out of the airport, while you walk over to security.

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