chapter 3

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you wake up the next morning to the sound of the hotel alarm clock. you quickly shut it off, and turn over to see carly sprawled all over her bed, mouth wide open, and hair all over the place. you snap a quick pic of her as you laugh to yourself.

you wake carly up, and she hops in the shower first.

you lay in your bed and scroll through instagram, reading the comments on a picture of you and carly in montreal that you posted the night before.

are you guys going to the game?
omg did brock take this?!
are you gonna see jack?
please give us hockey content!

those were just a few of the comments. you sighed and threw your phone on the bed, and took out your jersey for the night. luckily, you and carly packed cute outfits to wear if there's an after party after the game.

about an hour passes by, and you glance at your phone to check the time. it reads 10:48 am. plenty of time before you need to leave.

you're all ready for the day, except you're makeup isn't quite finished. you think it's too early to do a full face for tonight, but you do it anyway cause you're bored.

after finishing your makeup, you sit on the couch and open instagram. you click on jack hughes' story, and realize you should probably unfollow him in case you run into him tonight. he posted a mirror pic and wrote, pumped for the first game tonight! let's gooooo" you look at the picture closer, and realize his mirror looks very familiar to the one in your hotel room. you compare his mirror to yours and after looking at the background, he's in the same hotel as you. you begin to freak out, a grin on your face growing bigger by the minute. you tell carly and show her the picture.

"we have to go find him and introduce ourselves" she says.

"we can't do that! he'll think we're crazy fans or something" you say.

after carly finishes doing her hair, both your stomachs continue to growl, signaling you both need lunch, and soon. carly insists on going to the restaurant inside the hotel, as there might be a 'special someone' there. you roll your eyes.

"fine. but i'm only going there because it's convenient". you say.

"whatever you say". says a giggling carly.

after going down the elevator and through the lobby, there's no sign of jack, or any other hockey player. you start to doubt jack's staying in this hotel. it has to be this hotel. the mirror was the exact same. you think to yourself.

you and carly take a seat in the hotel and the waitress takes your order. carly getting a burger and you getting tacos.

throughout your meal, you keep glancing around, hoping to spot jack. you never see him, and you're slowly losing hope you won't 'run' into him.

the check comes, and you realize you left your wallet back up in the room.

"i'll be right back, i left my wallet in the room" you tell carly.

she nods, and you make your way back through the lobby and head to the elevators. you press the up button and a few seconds later, the elevator to your left opens to reveal jack hughes standing there on his phone. you freeze for a second, your eyes wider than ever as you walk into the elevator. he smiles, and asks what floor you're going to.

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