Chapter 15 - Old Man

Start from the beginning

The kids looked at each other, and he noticed the little girl's eyes flick towards the townhouse where he lived.

"Do you guys know that house?" He jutted his thumb back towards it. When they still didn't answer, he continued. "I live there and heard there were some stories about it."

The second little boy started backing away before darting back to the house he had run out from.

The girl watched him go, then calmly followed along with the second kid. They proceeded to toss looks over their shoulder as they went, leaving Aaron entirely creeped out.

Whatever that was, it felt unsettling. And worse, when he looked back down the street, the old man on the bench was gone too.


He wandered around the neighborhood for a little bit, spooked by the kid's strange behavior. There didn't seem to be many people out today. Most of them were getting in their cars or were already too far away for him to catch up. Aaron didn't have the guts to just knock on anyone else's door and when he reached the edge of the neighborhood, he gave up and decided to work on his content.

The mall was the busiest part of town, so he had quite a ways to walk for this one and didn't arrive till around noon. He had a simple prank planned where he taped a recorder underneath a bench and had it scream whenever someone sat down.

Since he wasn't in the video himself, he didn't have to bother his friend Eric for help and spent a few minutes preparing his setup. The longest part was waiting for people to sit back down since everyone could hear the sound and avoid it afterward.

When he went to check on the audio for round two, a woman stood by with a wide grin. She had red lipstick and shoulder-length blond hair with a tight black and white striped dress. "Was that you scaring people?"

Aaron looked up cautiously, hoping he wasn't about to get in trouble. "Yeah, that was me."

"Nice!" She laughed. "You were startling people back at the food court!"

"Really? Well, now I wish I had thought to bring a second camera."

"You're recording these?"

"Yeah, for my channel. Don't worry, I blur out faces and don't include anyone who asks to be removed."

"Oh my gosh! What's your content?"

Being ever so modest, Aaron told her his channel name, then got an idea. "Have you ever heard of that 'Ghost Encounters' channel?"

"Ghost Encounters? No, I don't think I have."

"Really? The guy who created it got in trouble for breaking into a house around here. I was hoping someone in the area could tell me more about the townhouse he had investigated."

"Sorry." She shrugged. "I don't remember seeing anything about that, but it sounds interesting."

"It is. I heard multiple people died in that house, but there's so little information about it. I think it's kind of strange."

The woman looked perplexed, then shook her head when she failed to recall anything useful. 

"Okay, thanks." He waved goodbye and felt disheartened as he finished grabbing his recording equipment and continued with his pranks.

Everything was coming up a bust today. And worse, by the time he was done he had lost track of time and noticed it was dark out. The residents in the mall had started to thin out, but he didn't realize it was because of how late it was, and the shops were even beginning to lock up for the night.

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