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noun ~ a piece of furniture with a flat surface typically with drawers and used for one to write or do other work

***mild mature content***

I entered the hallway to the house and practically glided my way to my mate's office. I raised my hand to knock but then remembered he told me to just enter; it was my office too. So with a deep breath, I pushed the door open and slid inside.

I saw Phoenix hunched over his desk, his hand grasping his hair, his elbow on the table holding its weight. His left hand-scribbled into some paperwork, a hard frown on his mouth. He sighed before glancing up, the tension in his shoulders was obvious because when he saw me, they slackened.

"Hey," I breathed.

"You alright?" He wondered, glancing at the clock. "What are you doing here?"

I watched the way his jaw clicked, the way he eyed the paperwork on his desk. I had interrupted him, but I was determined to speak to him. Paperwork could wait for two minutes, I hoped...

I made my way over to the desk and instead of sitting down, I stood behind him. I chewed on my lip before lowering my hands to his shoulders and digging in my palms and thumbs. I had been told I was good at massages by my mother and even my brother Leo, who often made me 'treat' him whenever I had free time. One thing I would never do is give him a foot massage, no matter how much he persisted at shoving his gross, dry feet in my face. Even thinking about it made me shiver.

"I've come in here because it dawned on me that I've been selfish the past couple of days," I spoke.

"You're not s-"

I dug my thumbs in harder than needed, prompting him to stop. "I have. I have been so consumed in the whole matter of my physical health and trying to fit in as Luna, I haven't even asked you how you are doing. I look back and I see a tired man, in need of a whole day of sleep and rest. You seem stressed and weary, and I can't help but feel guilty for not bringing it up sooner. We are in this together, and communication has always been a letdown for us, so I'm determined to talk about this."

I felt his shoulders and back sag in relief as I worked for my hands down them, a small grumble escaping his mouth.

"I am tired." He admitted. "But it is not your fault, you don't have to feel guilty."

"Then what is it?" I wondered.

He sighed, pulling my hands from his shoulders to bring me to his front. I took his hinting and slid onto his lip, my legs falling between the arms of the chair and his wide-spread legs. His eyes glinted as his hands came to rest on my ass, planting me on his thighs. I sucked on my tongue, forcing myself to stop biting my lip at how this position stirred something inside me.

I rested my hands on his neck, fiddling with the hairs there just as one of his hands came to trace small circles on my back under my top.

"I have a lot of wolves wanting to come train, and I'm getting a lot of correspondence to deal with. Plus... I am in contact with Alexandar about the disappearances, and there is a lot to think about." He explained wearily. "The coronation... he's worried about it. I have to bring some of the warriors as a security backup."

I frowned; my eyes un-focusing as I thought. I knew the whole border breach and potential witches working against us again was riling him up, but not to the point of exhausting him. So far, Gaia and Raven said they have not felt anything since, and have not seen any future possibilities. There have been no more border attacks reported in the last three weeks. The last was a couple of weeks after our own, somewhere further East of here.

Finding LunaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant