Chapter 3

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It took hours before the light at the door turned green again. Obi-Wan had stared at it relentlessly from the bed. He had tried to meditate but it proofed difficult without the pull of the Force to shut his mind up. He hadn't learned it any other way, although he knew meditation itself was nothing only Force users could engage in. He had never asked himself before, how meditation without it would feel like. Or if it was even comparable to each other.

"I hope you were able to sleep, Obi-Wan." Toobee greeted him.

"How is Ahsoka?" He ignored the question. If he had any hope to be able to get to that tank, he would be out the door already.

"Better?" The droid said in a manner that sounded more like a question than an answer. However, before Obi-Wan could lose his mind over that, Vader walked into the room behind Toobee. He carried the undressed Togruta in his arms. Her left arm and leg were bandaged and splinted. A Bacta patch covered half her face as well as the spot on her head, that he had seen wounded. The stump of her lek was dressed with a Bacta patch, too.

When the Jedi tried to jump up, he found himself in an iron grip. His body didn't move one bit. He glared at Vader, harsh words already on his tongue, but he wasn't able to move even his mouth.

Ahsoka was carefully set down on the bed. Her head rolled to Obi-Wans side, as Vader arranged her injured leg and arm with seemingly great care. Her Force blocking collar was gone. Then Vader rounded the bed again, moved over to Obi-Wan, and sat down on the edge of the bed, which was more or less in front of him. The Sith remained silent, staring at him. The Jedi still wore those ridiculous clothes. The only piece that Obi-Wan had tossed off was that velvet cape. He didn't care about the rest. And as the tunic was ripped now, it actually wasn't as uncomfortable anymore as in the beginning. Apparently, it had been just too tight.

"The Bacta tank was applied quite late." Toobee started. "After the intense exposure to Bacta, she healed quite a bit, but it would have been more effective if it had happened earlier." Again, it looked accusingly at its master. "And now we can't keep her in there anymore, as the toxic effects would build up and negate the benefits."

"If you cross me in any way, she will lose another of her lekku." Vader threatened, reached up and removed the Force blocking collar.

Life itself poured back into Obi-Wan. Light, Dark, the pulse of the Galaxy, all back in his head, his chest, his hands and everywhere it was able to latch onto him. The swirls of the living Force around him so obvious and explicit as ever. His eyes seeing again, blinded by the light around him all of the sudden, his ears invaded by the rasping sound of Vaders respirator, the buzzing of the machinery on his chest, the distinct smell of Bacta forcing itself to his attention, the fine and soft fabric on his skin, he felt every rip in it now.

Instantly Obi-Wan threw up his shields, breaking the Force grip that was holding him in place with ease and protecting his mind at the same time, barely able to hold himself back from throwing the looming Darkness off the bed. Vader's aura was calm, his tendrils coiling around him again, not polluting the floor with malice. But still, Obi-Wan felt excitement. But not the bad kind. More like the Sith was... happy?

Without caring anymore, the Jedi moved over to Ahsoka, who lay on the other side of the huge bed. His body obeyed him without protest. No balance problems, no giving in joints, no tired muscles. He wanted to pull the Togruta into his arms with as much body contact as possible, as this would make the whole process easier instead of channeling everything through just a small contact point. He wouldn't have had to deform his own Force signature much more that way. But he didn't dare to move her around until he had examined in what condition she really was in now.

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