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Pain. He didn't even remember a time without it. His consciousness slipped in and out in periods of time he couldn't even begin to grasp. Not that he was able to understand, what was going on around him, in those rare occasions, when he succeeded to open his eyes. At some point, after hours, days, weeks or months, his brain finally forced its way through all of the haze. Halfway beginning to shut down again, just to not have to deal with the excruciating pain, that seemed to have set his whole thorax and arms on fire. He gasped, as sharp pain went down his shoulders and his back when he tried to move his arms. He had no idea, where they were, just that they weren't at his side and he wanted to pull them in. Have them somewhere at his stomach, clutching his sides, protecting his upper body from whatever was going on. He gave up immediately. It didn't work anyway. They didn't move an inch.

Focusing as much as he could on his breathing, he tried to supply his brain with enough oxygen, so he wouldn't lose consciousness again. Also, it was quite less painful not to move his thorax too much by breathing in too deeply. When the pain settled to something near bearable, he opened his eyes.

There was nothing. Just endless darkness. The first moment he thought, he actually didn't open his eyes, trying again and again, blinking until his mind caught up with the situation and supplemented him with the information, that he was either blind or there simply was no light. Both options didn't sit well with him. More out of a reflex he tried again to pull his arms in. With the result, that he was trying not to faint for the next few minutes until the pain dissipated and made it possible to control his breathing again. Forcing himself to calm down.

At least this time, he had grasped some kind of perception about his position. His arms were tied above his head, as he was probably hanging from the ceiling. When he tried to stand up, he could touch the ground just barely with his toes, taking little of his bodyweight away from his maltreated arms and shoulders. But everything was helpful at this point. He tried to raise his head. Blinding pain shot up his neck, almost knocking him out instantly. So, that had been a bad idea. It took some time until the pain subsided again to the tolerable level. By then his Jedi senses seemed to have recovered a little and supplied him with at least some information about the room. It was small. He would probably be able reach the wall with his feet if he stretched a little. There was nothing else in here. He sensed a door only one and a half meters in front of him. But nothing beyond.

Concentrating on himself, he tried to become a feeling for his body. There was no chance of using the Force to help him in any way. Still, he didn't need that to understand that at least his left wrist was broken. He felt the bones rubbing at each other in a completely wrong way, sending down waves of pain in protest whenever there was a movement. Neither of his hands he was able to feel. Maybe there were none left. He steered his attention away and further down his body. His shoulders were a hot mess. One of them was clearly dislocated. But everything in that region felt like on fire and without a better grip on the Force or at least his eyes, he could not estimate the damage. But that was the worst. His stomach and legs seemed fine, more or less.

Next, he focused on his surroundings. He had to get out of wherever it was that he was held captive at. When he reached for the force, it slipped away. He felt the whirls of it around him. Inside him. But no matter how much he tried to concentrate on it, it just didn't react beyond that bare minimum that was already with him. There was no chance, to call it to his side and use it. Not the way he needed it. Not at this point. His mind was too fuzzy, his body too broken. Too much pain was diverting his attention. Soon he felt how that little strength he had was used up. Losing his footing, his whole bodyweight was hanging once again at his arms. A painful cry escaped his throat and once again he breathed heavily, adding to the pain. He got sick. Only a moment later he threw up, which left an acidic taste in his mouth.

PainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora