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I was running away. I don't where to or what from. Just running. I ran into the forest. I heard its footsteps behind me. It was after me. I looked back as I ran. A tall, black shadow running after me. I tripped on the root of a tree and fell down, scraping my knee. I tried to crawl backwards as he approached me. He held up a knife. He brought it down onto my heart.

I gasped and sat up. I looked around trying to gather my surroundings. I looked at the poster of (favorite band) on my wall. I looked at the lamp next to my bed. I turned it on and checked the clock.

2:47 A.M.

I put my hand on my heart which was pounding quickly. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I looked out the window next to my bed. The neighbor's light was on. Why is he up? He opened his window and waved to me. I just looked at him. He motioned to open my window. I opened it.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked. "I saw you wake up pretty fast." I leaned my head out of my window. "Why are you looking into my window, Tommy? Why are you even up in the first place?" He shrugged. "I couldn't sleep." He looked down at his hands and didn't say anything.

  "I had a dream I was being chased by some tall person," I said. He laughed quietly. "Ranboo?" He asked. I raised and eyebrow and replied "I don't know who 'Ranboo' is. Is he one of your streamer friends?" Tommy nodded. "I'd like to meet your friends some day, you know," I said as I laid back down in my bed. "Y/n, they'd think we're dating and it would get all weird... or they might hit on you."

  I chuckled and sat back up. "Wow, you're so protective over me." He shook his head. "Well, you're one of my best friends." I smiled. "Why don't I just tag along for one of your next videos? I could meet George or Wilbur... or Jack." Tommy got a disgusted look on his face. "OoOooOoOo you have a crush on Jack or something? Ew." I started laughing. "Shut up, Y/n, someone's going to hear you!"

I heard footsteps come up the stairs and towards my room. "Uh oh, mum's coming. I'll see you in the morning, Tommy," I said as I closed my window. I laid back down as my mum opened the door. She walked over to me. "Y/n? Honey, are you awake?" I pretended to wake up and yawn. "Hey mum. What are you doing?" She smiled softly. "Oh, I thought I heard you talking so I just came to check on you." I shook my head. "Well then, I'll be off. Goodnight sweetie," she whispered and closed my bedroom door.

I woke up from the sound of my mum calling me downstairs. "Y/n! Tommy is here to walk to school with you!" I groaned and started to change into my uniform. I brushed my hair and looked in the mirror. Black (skirt or pants), white collared shirt, and my hair in a (hairstyle). "Y/n, come on! Tommy's waiting!" My mum called again. I rushed downstairs and kissed my mum on the cheek. I walked out of the house with Tommy and she turned around and said "Have a nice day, Mrs. L/n!" to my mum.

We kept walking down the sidewalk to school. "Wow, you act like such a good person around my mum," I said. He scoffed. "I could say the same for you and my mum." I put my hand up to my heart dramatically. "Wow, Tom, whatever your middle name is, Simons. I can not believe you would accuse me of being a b*tch." I punched him lightly on the arm. "So where's your sister?" He put his hands in his pockets. "Riley took the bus. Her short 5 foot 3 body and legs couldn't handle the 10 minute walk to school."

  We walked into the building and I heard someone yell "Y/n! Tommy!" I turned around and saw Toby. He caught up with me and Tommy. "Hey Tubs," I said to him. He smiled and we walked to our lockers. The locker order from left to right was Toby, Tommy, an unused locker, then me. Out of nowhere Tommy asked "when are you going to get a boyfriend Y/n? Your lonely a*s desperately needs one." I grabbed my math book from my locker and said "I don't need one. I am a very independent woman." He walked over to be and put his hand under my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes.

  "You'd date me if you could, wouldn't you Y/n?" He asked with a smirk on his lips. My mouth suddenly felt dry. I just stared into his eyes. I'd never looked at his eyes this close before. They were bright blue, with specks of darker blue that I could look into all da- wait what am I thinking?! I quickly came back to reality and my face felt really hot. I slowly backed away from Tommy and stuttered "Haha n-no.. funny joke- anyway I should, uh, go to first period." I turned around and almost tripped over my own feet and ran to the bathroom.

(907 words)

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