Festival Pt 1

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Chapter 1

It was early April almost the begin of winter and usually the start of a great time for the biggest festival in Alli's hometown which is also a little bitter sweet usually she and her best friend Shannon would be going together but now that she had a boyfriend things seems a bit further away for their relationship, things were changing and Alli knew things couldn't for ever stay the same.

Early Saturday morning Alli woke up with her Yorkie fast asleep next to her she had a smile on her face and gave him a morning kiss and he was half looking at her saying mom really I was having such a nice dream.

"oh hush you know you love my kisses" Alli stated giving him a little giggle then took her phone from her beside her bed and checked her phone for messages and decide to check social media for the festival.
"Nothing ever new it's always the same old boring stuff just different people" she stated to herself and decide to see how Shannon was holding up and decide to phone her.

Shannon took awhile to answer "Hey Bestie..."She answered and made Alli smile." How you doing my beautiful"Alli replied "ahh you know Same old shit different day girl and there by you?" Shannon answered quickly taking the attention of her but Alli knew better "I'm doing good thank you...what's happening how is your side you sound off friend and don't tell me nothing you know it won't fly with me" Alli quickly stated, Shannon gave a big sigh "Me and Jason are budding heads again but badly I don't know how much more I can handle at this point" she stated not wanting to elaborate more than that.
"well you know I'm here for you anytime friend... Why don't you come with me to the festival I really want to go and it's our thing girl please tell me you will Come just to get your mind off things for a little bit?" Alli pleaded hoping she would her over." I don't know friend lemme just see how things go and I'll let you know I just want to sort this shit out with Jason... Please don't be mad"Shannon pleaded back. Reluctant to make things more uncomfortable Alli agreed" Fine, but let me know so I can get tickets early enough so we don't have to struggle getting in"she ended.

They both said their goodbyes and hung up the phone Alli sighed heavily and decided to get up and get the day going, she made her bed and decided to take her Yorkie for a walk while she waited to hear back from Shannon.
That was the only thing about having one friend you are stuck if the friend has their own shit going on and the only thing you can do is stand by and support and wait or just hang out by yourself... It's sad really but such is life.

When Alli got back from her walk she put fresh water into a bowl and took her Yorkie's leash off and made a him some food and the decided to make herself some as well, she took out bacon eggs bread to toast some homemade jam from the farmers market and butter and Orange juice frying pan and switched on the stove,put the kettle to brew some tea

Alli started with the bacon she always did it the same way her mom use to... No oil or butter just some good streaky bacon on a hot pan so the bacon cooks in its own fat then placing it in the oven till "Yum" is the understatement, then while she put the bread to be toasted she did the eggs at the same time so it would stay warmer longer.

By the time Alli was done she sat at the table and devoured without thinking about it and leaving one streak of bacon left for her Yorkie staring with big doe eyes and gave it to him.

Alli went back upstairs and took a shower and as she got out of the shower her phone was ringing "shit...just hang on I'm coming" Alli shrieked and tip toed to her room trying not to slip on the tiles... She picked up her phone and saw it was Shannon "Hey I was starting to wonder if I was going to hear from you" Alli stated just hearing Shannon sobbing and her face dropped "what happened....?" she asked "We broke up... I don't understand why it is so easy for him to just walk away" Shannon crying on the other end "Oh no friend...so what now are u guys talking or no?" Alli asked knowing that getting angry at the prick wasn't going to fix her broken heart "no he left after everything... So I'm going to come with you to the festival" Shannon stated trying to compose herself "OK well are you sure to drive and meet me at my house then we can go get the tickets?" Alli asked "yeah I'm good thanks friend IL see you in a few" Shannon stated.

They said their goodbye and hung up
"ugh this guy is such an asshole!!!!" Alli got out her frustration by punching a pillow she doesn't understand how women get into positions where they love so hard and get a slap in the face Lord knows she also got a few slaps in her time in relationship as well and we all know it sucks.

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