addict. (2)

876 50 17

since rosie left to new york for the gala, home felt too empty to bear.

jennie didn't wanna admit that at first because that means she was just a clingy and a needy girlfriend that couldn't live without rosie by her side. but that just facts. she couldn't stand being left alone and had to live at the apartment by herself, waiting for her girl to come back.

things that were placed around the apartment were not much of a help either because it was just screamed rosie so much. it reminded her of her girlfriend everyday. and it suck. it really was.

maybe that was the reason why jennie made her self busier after she had left. she basically drowned herself in work all day, as many as she could do.

she took all the job opportunities, meetings, photoshoots, commercial ads, anything that could distract her from missing her girlfriend so much.

if she had a day off, she just used all of her time to workout or literally did any activities that she could do. she just didn't wanna let herself got carried away with the emptiness that she felt right after rosie bid her goodbye.

jennie tried to not contact her girlfriend as much, because she didn't wanna bother the younger girl while she did her schedule there. but the thing that really made her feel upset was that when she did text her or at least tried to call her, rosie rarely replied or pick up.

she must've been busy with her own thing, and jennie tried to understand that. but it just suck that rosie didn't tell her anything, even at the end of the day where she already finished her schedule.

jennie didn't know what was her girlfriend was doing, or what was her plan for the next day. they rarely talked.

jennie had been waiting for her replies or maybe a call, but it never came. yeah, in the end rosie did finally text her. but it was just her saying sorry that she couldn't stay out late, or that she was tired etc.

well, to be honest, jennie did feel hurt by this. she felt being ignored. and that rosie didn't care that much. but of course, she didn't bring it up. she didn't want to disturb rosie with her own neediness and the fact that she was just being clingy.

so she tried to understand.

but when she had just started trying to adapt to this change, something happened that ruined it all over again.

it was one morning. almost noon actually, because she woke up quite late. jennie had a meeting with her staff last night and she had to stay up til midnight, also she drank two cups of americano which ended up being the reason why she couldn't close her eyes.

she woke up with notifications bombarding her phone. the pinks groupchat.

they didn't usually be this chatty in the morning which made jennie feel intrigued. she opened the chat and the first that she saw immediately made her heart sank.

lisa was the one who started the whole conversation with a picture of none other than rosie with another girl. a selfie.

'OMG ROSIE! ISN'T THIS THE GIRL FROM THE MET? SHE PRETTY!' lisa exclaimed that over her text.

it was apparently a screenshot from rosie's instagram post. her posting a selfie with a girl that jennie recognized from rosie's photos at the met.

they seemed close. closer than jennie would've expected and she didn't know why that made her feel somehow upset?

and the fact that made it worse was that rosie replied on the group chat instead of texting or calling her first. and the girl hadn't contacted her since yesterday. jennie frowned.

her, once again.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα