(Eret X Female!Reader)

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My name is Dahlia Oswaldotter and I'm from the Berserker tribe. As soon as I found out that my brother (Dagur) was hunting dragons, I ran away in search of our long-lost sister - Heather. When I finally found her, she was trying to kill Dagur on a ship. With her was a Razorwhip and two other dragon riders; with a Night Fury and a Deadly Nadder. I landed on the ship with my dragon, Blazefjell and revealed my identity.
After a few ups and downs, things were well after that. A year later, I left my siblings in search for love. This is when I, once again, met with the fury and nadder riders...


"Dahlia! Thor, am I glad to see you!" Hiccup exclaimed. We were flying over a large forest of orange-leaved trees, with mist clinging to the ground beneath them.

"What adventure are you on this time?" Astrid asked me.

"I'm... searching for something again." I stated sheepishly.

"What's that?" Hiccup began, flying level to me with his Night Fury, who I was sure had grown a few more gills. "Did someone steal something from you?"

"No, no. It's nothing like that," I replied. I wasn't sure how to say it without sounding completely pathetic.

"She's looking for love," Astrid said for me with a smile. Her nadder cawed, and Blazefjell (my half Monstrous Nightmare, half Nadder) responded similarly. We looked ahead of us to see a body of icy water, and a massive structure of teal spiked ice jutting from it.

Hiccup looked at us, but all we could do was shrug: we had no idea what had caused this. "Well," he began, "I hope you find what you're looking for." He flew ahead, "stay close."

We flew toward the ice, which had splintered wood planks in its hold. Was this created by a dragon?
We flew around the icy structure. "Hiccup!" Astrid exclaimed, upon noticing dragon hunters on a boat hidden behind the ice. Toothless managed to dodge the net that was launched in our direction; Stormfly did not and Astrid fell from her as her dragon scrambled to get out of the ropes - to no avail. Stormfly landed on the ship's deck with a heavy 'thud', and Toothless dove down to catch her fallen rider.

"Stop!" Hiccup and I cried out as Toothless and Blazefjell landed on the ship's deck. Astrid picked up a broken piece of wood as a weapon and Hiccup wielded his fire sword. I remembered him working on that when we were younger: it looked a lot better now. I drew my Gronckle iron sword.

"Soil my britches," said a man with war paint on his chin who was standing on Stormfly like he'd claimed her as a prize. "That is a Night Fury... and a Monstrous Nightmare-Nadder hybrid, too. Thought they were all gone for good," he chuckled, and his crew laughed with him. "Looks like our luck's had a turn for the better, lads," he stepped casually off of Stormfly and into my direction, "don't think Drago has either of those in his dragon army."

"Look, we don't want any trouble." Hiccup assured.

"But we won't back down without a fight," I added, pointing my sword toward the man's chest. He smirked, stepping forward as if daring me. Clearly he'd never faced a Berserker.

"You asked for one when you stole all of our dragons and blasted our fort to bits." The crew shouted in agreement. The three of us denied that we had anything to do with the ice. "Well, sweetie," the man said, backing away from my sword, "dragon trapping is hard enough without do-gooder dragon riders sneaking in to rescue them."

"There are other dragon riders?" Hiccup asked, deactivating his fiery blade.

"You mean other than your thieving friend from last night? You tell me. you may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side, but we still have a quota to fill: How do you suppose we explain this mess to Drago Bludvist?"

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