My Snowflake (Jack Frost X Female!Reader)

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Above: The Necklace

I'd believed in Jack Frost since I could speak. My father, Jamie Bennet, made sure of that. We lived in Burgess, where Jack himself used to live. I'd waited all my life to finally meet Jack Frost, but I'd never so much as seen him. "Father," I called one morning after walking downstairs.

"Yes, _____?" He replied kindly, handing me a plate of my favourite breakfast.

"When will I meet Jack Frost?" I asked as I took the plate.

"Later on," he replied bluntly, handing me a fork.

"Wait, really?" I asked, taking it and putting it on my plate.

"Yes. Now, eat your breakfast. Aunt Sophie is coming over in a little while." Aunt Sophie: she said she'd been to the Easter Bunny's hideout and met all of the Guardians in a dream when she was very young. Did I believe that? Yes; yes I did.

Jack's POV

I stopped at Jamie's house in the morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of his beautiful daughter. Except; he was very protective of her and I hadn't been allowed to meet her yet. I tapped on his kitchen window; he was cooking breakfast. He waved at me and I waved back, before zooming to the front door. He opened it and I followed him back into the kitchen. "My daughter has been wanting to meet you," he said to me.

"I've been wanting to meet her, too," I stated sheepishly. He glared at me; he was no longer the chipper child I'd met when we defeated Pitch twenty years ago. "How's your sister?"

"Good. She's coming over later." He said. We stood in silence for a moment as the kettle boiled. He sighed. "If you stop by later, I'll let you meet her."

"R-really?" I asked. I'd seen his daughter as a baby many times whenever I visited, but as soon as she could walk, I wasn't allowed to let her see me. In my opinion, Jamie was being overprotective. But, he was (in a way) older than me now, and _____ was his daughter.


Reader's POV

I'd waited all day to meet Jack; I was ecstatic! Aunt Sophie had come and gone and there was still no Jack. However:
"Jack gave this to me to give to you when you were born," Sophie had said, handing me a beautiful snowflake necklace. I put it on straight away. It was glistening silver with expensive-looking light blue gemstones. It seemed to pulse with a blue glow.

Jack's POV

I felt something warm and fuzzy in my heart. The necklace I'd given Sophie for her niece was magic: if she was ever going to love me, it would glow and I would feel it. If not: it would break. Jamie, of course, didn't know this, but Sophie did.
I didn't want to intrude on anyone's life, but I wanted to see if there was a chance of something. There's no one I'd rather be with than someone close to the first boy who believed in me.

Reader's POV

Sophie had smiled when I put on the necklace, "very pretty," she'd said, adjusting her long blonde hair behind her ears.

Now, my father and I were sitting on the sofa watching something boring on the TV. I was unable to sit still; fidgeting and looking out the window every so often. "Is Jack Frost even real, dad?" I asked. He looked at me with widened brown eyes.

"Of course he is."

"Then where is he?" There was a sudden knock at the door. Maybe that was him? My father stood and walked over to open it. I looked past him to see no one. He stepped out and looked left and right, only to be pelted in the face with a snowball. I chortled loudly.

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