Unsaid Goodbye

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Two days passed since they met each other or talked on phone. He tried calling her Several time but she didn't answered his calls, he messaged her but she didn't replied. He was worried and a little angry too. He talked to Rony, if in case he knew anything about her. Rony claimed he had called her last night for some changes in his project proposal.

'She asked me to email all the changes, because she won't be able to visit, she's too busy and asked not to disturb her unnecessarily, she herself will contact him once free,' said Rony, avoiding looking at him.

'Strange that's so not Siya,' said Ayush , his voice low and lost.

Ayush took a breath of relief and returned back to his room. Although Siya asked them not to disturb her but still he wasn't feeling all good about it, he badly wanted to meet her, but was confused whether he should or he shouldn't. At last, he went against his brain and decided to visit her.

He got some macarons for her since this was the first he was visiting her, a good habit he picked from her. He drove to her hotel. He stopped outside her hotel room.

'Alright. Don't panic you've did this before, just get in act normal, talk normal, behave normal, and when it's the right time tell her, tell her how you feel, how much her presence matters to you, what difference she made in your life, just relax and go get her, he whispered to himself nervously.'

He released deep breath. And Knocked on the door. She opened the door quicker than he expected.

Damn, she is cute! Her hair tied up high in a messy bun, Ayush thought.

'Hi!' she said amazed, hiding herself behind the door. She was expecting him as he had called before coming but she had no idea, he was standing right outside her hotel at that time.

'Hi, I was just passing by, so thought why not meet you and other,' he made up a story.

'Oh, I see come,' said Siya fake smiling, utterly worried, welcoming him inside.

She asked him to get in and have a seat, by the time she close the door. He walked in the living room and searched for an empty place to sit.

The entire room was a mess, there were jackets all over on the floor that looked expensive, books were lying on the couch, left out pieces of pizza were lying in the box unbothered, including chips and half finished pastry, the recorder that played old 60s bollywood songs was on high volume, her laptop was lying half on the table and half in the air. Her Shoes were in different corners of the room. For a moment Ayush couldn't believe it was her room, he started collecting all the books from the couch.

'No wait, Ayush! I'm sorry, give it to me, saidSiya collecting the books from him, mortified.

'Hey that's ok, I'll help you,' he said tried to clean the table.

She quickly reached his hand and stopped him, 'Please don't. Don't embarrass me more, just give me a minute,' she said making a puppy face.

He shrugged and she quickly grabbed every possible stuff, all together and dumped it on the bed, in the bedroom. She cleaned the couch first and made him sit comfortably. Siya asked for another minute for cleaning the table and floor.

'Take your time,' he said adoring the messy side of hers.

A few minutes later, she came back, her cheeks turned tomato red out of embarrassment.

(Music playing in the background)

'Sorry again, you had to see all this,' she said.

'No problem, by the way this is for you, he said, changing the topic, handing her over the paper bag.

The World Behind The Door: Half StrangersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ