Under the sky

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'Ok, just give me a hint, I'll guess it,' said Siya.

He sighed, 'You talk less is a myth. Stop questioning so much, it's just a matter of few minutes now,' said Ayush, slamming on the clutch.

When you like someone you like someone there's nothing you could do about it, Ayush had told himself. Not all things needed to make sense nor does everything needed to be explained all the time. She never talked to impress him nor did she hesitated giving him a piece of her mind and this exactly made him want to be around her even more.

He drove her to his favorite beach. Very unpopular among visitors and tourists because of the unsafe forest area around. Most of the tourists weren't aware of this place, but those who were this place was no less than heaven for them. All away from city buzz and unwanted traffic.

The sea looked dreamlike, calm and steady it forged soothing and relaxing sound. The waves were crawling gently to the shore. There were people camping around with families, but much less than as compare to other days.

'God! This is beautiful,' she said, astonished, coming out of the car.

'I know,' he said, shutting the door close.

Groups of people were camping around the bonfire singing, dancing and grooving. But they were at a distance from were Ayush had parked the car.

They sat on hood of the car absorbing soul relaxing night's magic in silence. For a long nobody talked.

He glimpsed at her hair dancing in the air without looking at her directly. He admired her and unknowingly a smile appeared on his face. He noticed a mole on her right cheek near her ear, which could be seen when she tuck her hair behind her ear just like she did now. He hustled to move his gaze away from her. He wondered if it was real or it's just his mind playing tricks on him, whatever it was it brought him peace.

Ayush has dated a number of girls but no one ever made his heart tickle this way before. Tonight was special for so many reasons and one of it was he had her company under the twinkling starlight. Ayush has never experienced anything similar to this earlier, so he tried not to feel so as he didn't wanted to get attracted to her and prove, Rony, right. But if only he had control on his mind.

Siya tilted her chin up glancing at the sky.

He clears throat, 'Missing someone?' he asked, expecting to get glimpses of her personal life, he badly wanted to know her.

She laughed it off, quietly.

He nodded and turned his face on the other side and squinted, disappointed.

'Thanks, this place is magic,' She said, glancing at him, her voice low and soft .

'Anytime,' he replied with a warm smile.

There eyes locked for a moment until, she fake smiled a little before glancing away. The moon rose higher as the night grew darker.

They talked about few random things and then nothing, for a while. They preferred watching the world around them.

A man at a distance was playing with his daughter. He tossed the little one up in the air and reach out his arms to catch her. Every time he tossed her the little one spread her arms in the air as wide as possible as of she wanted to fly. Her mother clicked their pictures in the moon light.

'What a poser, said Siya. I so badly wanna live that life , she quietly said, totally forgetting about  that Ayush could hear her. God bless them.'

He smirked, 'So you want babies,' he asked, without looking at her, quickly.

She smiled a bit embarrassed. He was not supposed to hear that!  She shrugged, 'I don't know, I just want to be around people a lot of people actually. Or at least be a small part of a big happy happening family, I missed lot of stuff and now I want it all,' she said, her voice distant as she spoke.

The World Behind The Door: Half Strangersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن