"Fuck," Draken began to sway, his legs shaking and his knees threatening to buckle, "I'm beat..."

"Draken! Are you okay?!" Takemichi was losing it, as usual.

"Looks like twenty guys are my limit." Grumbled Toman's vice-president as he sat down, "The rest are yours, Mitsuya, Y/N. My head's killin' me."

Y/N glanced to the side. She didn't even notice Mitsuya standing beside her, hands in his pockets. He beamed at her and she was instantly overcome with guilt. After all, she was the one who arranged the original plan in the first place along with Hanma.

"You think you three can take all of us on?" A Moebius member sneered. His eyes paused on Y/N who subtly winked, code for 'play along, bitch, or I'll beat your ass'.

"Shut up, jackass." Mitsuya just grinned.

"Take 'em out, all of 'em," Peh-Yan ordered. Before Moebius could move, the sound of Mikey's bike echoed throughout the parking lot.

"About time," Draken muttered.

"That exhaust sound..." Mitsuya looked relieved as he grinned.

"It's Mikey's CB25OT." Added Draken, who chuckled.

While everybody was distracted, Y/N took a few steps back so that she was standing closer to Moebius than the two members of Toman and Takemichi.

Mikey's bike skidded into the area and, as he lifted his head, he glared at Moebius through his blonde locks.

"Mikey-kun!" Takemichi exclaimed, smiling widely.

"I get it now." Toman's president hopped off his bike, "I got called out somewhere else... so Kenchin could get attacked. Then, it'd be my fault for Toman's downfall."

"I'm just doing it for Pah-chin!" Peh-Yan shouted, refusing to look at Mikey.

"This isn't your style." The blonde muttered, "Who... tempted you into this?" On pure instinct, Peh-Yan glanced at Y/N. She emotionlessly stared back. There would be no point in defending herself now, it would be fruitless.

"Wow, what a surprise. Mikey isn't all brawn. How dull." Hanma strode through the crowd, Moebius members making a path for him. He carried a cigarette in his left hand while somebody held an umbrella over his head, keeping him nice and dry.

Y/N frowned. Why was she the one who put effort into her appearance only for it to get ruined?

"... And you are?" Mikey gazed at Hanma, in a state of confusion.

"Doesn't matter who I am. But, I'm in charge of Moebius. For the moment, at least. Name's Hanma." He stepped out into the rain, soaking his cigarette. Y/N silently rolled her eyes. That would be no good now.

"So you're the nasty creeplord behind all of this?" Questioned Mikey. The height difference between him and Hanma was quite large but it was only expected when one was 6'2 and the other was 5'3.

"You're such a pain in the ass, Mikey-chan," Hanma uttered, smiling. Mikey said nothing as he quickly lifted a leg. He was aiming to strike Moebius' temporary leader in the head but, before he could, his attack was blocked.

With one hand, Y/N had managed to grab Mikey's ankle. She gripped it tightly, feeling a little conflicted at the moment.

"Don't act so hasty, Mikey." Said Hanma. He wrapped an arm around Y/N's waist while shoving the blonde-haired boy back. "My mission is to destroy Toman. The best way to do that is to make you fight amongst yourselves. But, I think this works out. With these hands and alongside my sweetheart," He paused, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to Y/N's cheek, "I'm gonna take on the invincible Mikey and tear you apart!" He grinned like a maniac, clearly enjoying this.

"Moebuis' entire gang, a hundred people! Verses four guys from Toman!" He looked over his shoulder, "Don't wuss out like last time, idiots! I'm not soft like Osanai and neither is Y/N! If you run away, my sweetheart will hunt ya down and I'll beat ya until your teeth are gone!" Y/N nudged Hanma, silently telling him to focus on Toman.

"More of them will be here in a few moments." She murmured, earning a hum from Hanma. And, just as she predicted, the rest of Toman drove in on their motorbikes.

"Infightings not really my thing." Mutou, the fifth division captain, muttered.

"But if we're going up against Moebius, then I can go all out!" Nahoya, better known as Smiley, grinned.

"Which means tonight's the big show-down." Added Baji as he held a hair tie between his teeth. They had yet to see Y/N.

Mikey turned around, his heartwarming slightly when he saw all of Toman gathered behind him. He smiled.

"Shit!" Peh-Yan exclaimed, his jaw clenched. Y/N's hand gripped the back of his head tightly, chuckling.

"Now things are getting interesting."

Indeed they were, especially when Toman noticed Y/N standing beside Hanma.

Y/N watched, almost looking bored, as Baji attempted to run towards her. Draken, however, held out an arm and blocked the ravenette's path.

"Oi! Y/N!" He spat as Hanma began to usher her away, "Was this all a joke?! Was all the flirting, all the late-night calls, all the moments we spent together a fucking joke?!"

Of course not. She genuinely treasured her time with Toman.

"Did you even want to be friends with us in the first place?! Or, was it all so you could get information?! Hah, you fucking lying brat!" As Baji screamed at her, she remained emotionless. "I hate you, I fucking hate you!"

Ah, there it was. The words that hurt her most. Nevertheless, she just continued to blankly gaze at him with no remorse.

"Hey! Answer me! Say something! Anything! You know how much I hate that look!" Baji clenched his hands into fists. Y/N said nothing as she slowly turned around, beginning to walk away.

"Y/N!" Mitsuya suddenly shouted, grabbing her attention, "Were you ever really on our side?!"

Y/N just glanced over her shoulder, flashing Toman a small smile, before disappearing into the crowd of Moebius members

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