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"Let's get this over with," Charlie grunted.

"With that attitude, you'll never get through this." I laughed.

Charlie was acting like a two-year-old. We had been through the routine I came up with twice after work yesterday, and he wasn't looking forward to working on it on his day off. But, as much as he protested, I think that he secretly enjoyed it.

"Can you stop counting?" He laughed. "I know how to count, and this might surprise you, but I can do it in my head."

"Okay," I said, grabbing his left hand and spinning into his chest, then out and under his arm.

Next, I circled behind him to hold his left hand, where he pulled me in front of him and flipped me over his arm to land on my feet.


I wasn't expecting the last part. It wasn't in the routine. I don't know where he learned to dance, but I would put that in now.

"See, when you stop counting, I can actually dance."

"Okay... I like what you did. But when we are up there in front of the whole town, you can't improvise. Otherwise, no one else will know what the hell is going on."

"Sorry?" His brow quirked up.

"Don't be. We're definitely doing that, as long as everyone else can do it."

"Fine." he shrugged his shoulders like he didn't care either way.

"Charlie, where did you learn to dance?" I asked after a few uncomfortable seconds of silence.

"I didn't. Not really. My mom used to dance around with my dad all the time. Nothing complicated. I guess I just watched them."

I think that was the most he's ever said to me at one time. Well, aside from yelling. I let the thought go as we ran through the routine and repeated it with Charlie's addition. We ended it with Charlie in front of me, pulling me through his legs and twisting me mid-air so I was facing him, then he dipped me while holding my left leg up in a split.

"Don't deny it. You love every minute of this." I laughed.

"That's pushing it."

An upside-down Casen filled my vision as he entered the front door of their house. Righting myself, I smiled.

"That's not part of the dance." Casen crossed his arms across his chest.

"It is now," Charlie said before leaving Casen and me in the living room.

"We've worked a few things into it," I explained.

"I can see that."

"Right..." I didn't know why he was mad.

Whatever the reason, I took it as my cue to leave.

"Come over later? I'll show you." I said, hoping that he would be in a better mood by then.

He didn't say anything. Instead, he stalked to his room. Did he switch bodies with Charlie? I left with that thought rolling around in my mind. I hadn't noticed that the skies had darkened until the first raindrop landed on my cheek. A smile quickly formed on my lips. It was finally raining. Although it had cooled down since I got here, it hadn't rained. I stood in my yard as the rain pelted my face. I relished every drop that soaked through my hair, sweatshirt and leggings.

"What are you doing?" Casen yelled over the sound of the downpour.

"Isn't it great?" I asked, laughing.

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