Another special

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Yes it's me again, glad nobody commented on my self-hate in the starting AN from last chapter- I've been sick for 5 days now, it started with a cold and then i got soaked by the rain on my way home from school which made it worse and the past two days I've been sick at home, I'm also sick while writing this, keeping myself up late while i should be resting- Sorry I'm rambling aren't I? Please give me some more ideas for specials bc I'm running out of ideas and my decent? creativity can only come up with so much ideas by itself so...

Anyways, I hope you're all having a nice day/night, and enjoy the chapter! (Oh also gonna try first person for this special! After reading it please tell me if you prefer this over 3rd person!)

(TW: small mention of abuse)

(Oh and sorry if i make spelling/grammar mistakes, im really tired and I'm sick so... heh...)


I woke up, right after blacking out in my... dream?

Was it really a dream though? I thought.

Toffee had been telling me more about my parents... My real parents... not those two monsters... I'll never forgive them for what they've done to me... how they've hurt me...

Enough of that, let's think about happy things.

I get out of bed, get dressed, and go downstairs. Star and Marco are sitting on the couch.

"Morning." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning (Y/n)!" Star says, jumping up from the couch and giving me a big hug. I hug back, smiling.

"Let's go have breakfast now." Marco says, getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen.

"You didn't have breakfast yet?" I ask.

"We decided to wait for you!" Star says, breaking the hug and pulling me along with her to the kitchen.

We all sat down and started eating our (mine and Star's) favorite cereal, [i forgot the name ;w;]. I got lost in thought for a moment, thinking of what Toffee told me.

"Are you alright (Y/n)?" Star asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over to Star and see she's looking a little concerned.

"You seem pretty distracted, something on your mind?" Marco asks.

"I-I'm fine! J-just not really awake yet." I say.

Wow... VERY smooth, me.

"Alright. Just know you can tell us anything, (Y/n). We'll always be there for you." Marco says.

"Thanks guys." I say.

(Small time skip brought to you by a terrible coughing fit-)

I can't stop thinking about what Toffee told me... Even though I'm supposed to pay attention to math class right now...

Was everything he said really true? I need to find more answers... Maybe-

"(Y/N)!!!" Ms. Skullnick yells, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes Ms. Skullnick?" I say.

"What's the answer to the question i just asked you?" She yells.

"Uuuhhhmmmm... Five?" I say, Ms. Skullnick narrows her eyes, but then turns around.

"Guess you were paying attention then..." She says.

Oh my goodness I'm so glad I got it right somehow. I thank whatever god out there saved me.

Shooting for a Star. (Star x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt