Special again :)

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Yes it's me again, your favorite author (probably not), back to ruin (Y/n)'s life once more.


I was originally planning on having (Y/n)'s past come back to haunt them, but then i got a better idea! I hope you like this special!




You are sitting on the floor, lazily flipping through the pages of Star's Magic Book of Spells, looking for anything interesting, when you come across a spell you haven't seen before. It has some strange symbols on it, and a drawing of a baby in a crib.

(Bet you can guess where this is going now :] )

"Star? What's this spell?" You say. Star gets up and walks over to you to look at what you found.

"Strange... I never saw this page before..." Star says.

"Weird." You say.

"I never saw these symbols before either..." Star says.

You take a closer look at the symbols and for some reason... You can read what it says?!

"It says... Transmorphica infanteus." You say, surprised that you could even read that. Star starts chewing on her wand.

"Transmorphica infanteus?" Star says.

A flash of light... And...

You open your eyes, and everything around you seems to have gotten a lot bigger all of a sudden...

"Why dids evewyfing become biggew?" You say, looking up at Star. Star stares at you for a while, and then starts squealing. You tilt your head, confused.

"Oh my gosh (Y/n) you look so cuteeeeeee!" Star squeals, picking you up and hugging you.

*confused noises* "what does chu mean Staw?" You say.

Ans why is me tawkins wike dis? Wha happen to mes?

"Well..." Star says, biting her lip,

"You turned into a smol little adorable baby!" Star says.


Marco peeks around the corner

"Hey Star, who's that? Please don't tell me you kidnapped a baby..." Marco says.

"Hewwos Mawco!" You say, giving a small little wave.

"Wait... (Y/N)?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!" Marco says.

"Well we found a new page in the book of spells and I accidentally hit (Y/n). Aren't they the most adorable thing ever???" Star says, picking you up again and cooing you. You giggle.

Dis feews stwange buts... Is nu a bad feewing!

"Well what do we do now?!" Marco says

"I don't kn-" Star says, but you stop listening to the conversation and instead decide to snuggle up with Star, letting go of all your bad thoughts of the past.

Dis feews nice ^^

You close your eyes for a moment... And fall asleep.

(Naps are great :) )

You wake up a while later, you sit up and rub your eyes. You notice you're in bed, wearing a pair of cute smol pajamas. You yawn and something purple falls into your lap.

A paci? Why dids me hav a paci?

You look around and see Star and Marco quietly talking to each other. Star looks in your direction.

"(Y/n)! You're awake again! How was the nap?" Star says.

A tiny blush creeps up your face, feeling kind of embarrassed.

"Was otays..." You mumble, hiding your face in your hands.

"It's okay (Y/n). No need to be embarrassed. You couldn't do anything about this, it's ok to be little." Marco says.

Star walks over to you and gives you the pacifier. You hesitate for a moment but then decide you quite like it right now and suck on the paci again. You make grabby hands towards Star and she picks you up.

After a quite eventful lunch in which you threw a tantrum for not being allowed to sit in a normal chair because when sitting on a normal chair you couldn't even peek over the edge of the table, Marco got crayons and paper, and now you're lying on the floor, trying to draw a pretty butterfly for Star. You finish the drawing and you go over to Star, and shyly hand her the drawing. Star looks at the drawing for a few moments, which feel like hours, and then she picks you up and gives you a big hug. You smile and hug back.

"Thank you for the pretty drawing (Y/n)! I like it a lot!" Star says, sitting down on the floor with you. You give Star a big smile, feeling proud of yourself.

"(Y/n), it's time for a nap." Marco says, after coming into the room.

"Me nu wanna!" You say, pouting at Marco.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but... Little kids need more sleep." Marco says.

"Nu!" You say, turning away from Marco and crossing your arms.

"If you are good and take a nap now, I have a surprise for you." Star says. You think about her offer for a moment, but you're not really convinced yet.

"If you want Marco will even read you a story!" Star says. (Marco: Hey!) You think for a little more and...

"Otays..." You say, making your way over to Star and making grabby hands. Star picks you up and puts you in bed, motioning for Marco to come over. You curl up under the covers. Marco starts reading you a story, while Star sneaks out of the room. After a while, when Marco finished reading, Star comes back, holding something behind her back. You tilt your head, looking at Star.

"I hope you like it!" Star says, handing you a big (Favorite animal) stuffie. Your eyes begin to sparkle as you take the stuffie from Star, feeling the soft fabric. You give it a big hug and snuggle up with it. Star gives you the paci, and then she reads you another small story. You fall asleep halfway through, not being able to keep your eyes open anymore.

Star smiles at your sleeping form, and then quietly leaves the room with Marco.

After you wake up about two hours later, you play with your new stuffie for a while, and watch a cartoon with Star.

Aaand done! I hope you liked this special! I'd like to hear all of your opinions on it. Be honest! If you thought it was bad, tell me what I could do to make it better next time! If you thought it was good, I'd really like to hear what your favorite part was! :]

Anyways, thank you very much for reading! I hope you have a good day/night! Byeeeee!


Time spent writing: about 3 hours.

Next: Probably another special sorry hehe... I can't use my laptop right now and then it's really annoying to have to copy the transcript the whole time.

Shooting for a Star. (Star x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin