Star comes to Earth

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Far, far away, in a magical land called Mewni, lived a princess- Star Butterfly.

(Time skip brought to you by star taming a wild unicorn)

3rd person p.o.v.

*Star crashes through the door of the throne room riding a unicorn, jumps off the unicorn and lands right in front of her parents while the unicorn crashes through the wall behind them.*

*Star keeps trying to grab the wand.*

"Now, Star, this wand is a big responsibility, if it falls into the hands of evil forces, the universe could be destroyed."

*Star manages to grab the wand out of her mothers hand, it transforms into a light purple wand with white wings.*

"Don't worry, Mom. I can handle it." Star replied.

*A couple minutes later: Star's parents looking out the window with binoculars at a burning Mewni with civilians screaming in terror.*

"She can't handle it." 

"Nooooo! I can be good, please! Don't send me to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses!" Star pleads.

"Sweetheart we're not sending you there." King River said.

"...Yet." (Queen Moon)

"We're sending you to train in a safer dimension; a place called Earth."

"Earth?" Star said.

*Moon pushes star into the carriage.*

"Manfred, open the portal." King Butterfly said.

*Manfred opens a huge portal.*

"Goodbye Mewni." Star says while the carriage goes through the portal.

*Buff Frog laughs evilly from behind a bush*

"So you say you're from another dimension." Principal Skeeves says.

*the lights flicker on and off, the king and queen look to Star, who's continuously flipping the light switch.*

"And you said there was no magic on Earth!" (Star)

"Yeah... this isn't gonna work." Principal Skeeves said.

*River opens a chest full of golden coins and jewels, the eyes of Principal Skeeves turn into dollar signs.*

"She'll love it here!"

*Star continues flipping the light switch*

"She's going to need a guide." (King River)

Reader's p.o.v.

*Principal Skeeves on the speaker-like thingy;* "Marco Diaz and (Y/n) (L/n) to the principal's office. Marco Diaz and (Y/n) (L/n) to the principal's office."

(Thoughts will also be in italics)

Huh? Have i done something wrong? This must be a mistake! You think.

"Ooooooh... looks like someone's is trouble. So, I guess everyone who voted me "Safest Kid" must be feeling really embarrassed right about now." Marco says.

*you both stand up and walk to the door*

"Do we need a hall pass?" Marco asks miss Skullnick.

"Would you just go already?!" She snaps back.

Shooting for a Star. (Star x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now