16: Fortune Cookies.

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Hi there! Here's another chapter! Next chapter i will reveal more of the Reader's background! The chapter is a bit short bc all the long talks between Ludo and Toffee, which im not writing down here bc the Reader couldn't have heard them.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy!



*You, Star, and Marco, are sitting in a Chinese restaurant, almost done with your lunch.*

"Delicious! And it's so fun eating with these tiny wands!" Star says.

*Then someone brings fortune cookies.*

"Oh, and there's cookies too!" Star says, grabbing a fortune cookie and eating it, then spitting out the paper.

"Bleh. I don't like the filling." Star says.

"These are fortune cookies. They can magically predict the future." Marco says.

"What?! No way!" Star says.

 "A friend will greet you with a smile." Marco says, after eating his cookie.

"Aww, how sweet." Star says, and smiles.

"See? The cookies know all." Marco says.

"No, it can't be." Star says, breaking a cookie.

"Think positive and good luck will come your way." Star says, then sees the person from before holding a box of cookies. Star jumps out of her seat and goes to the person. While Star does that you eat your cookie and look at the paper, then put it in your pocket.

"More cookies!" Star says.

"They're stale." The person says.

"Gimme!" Star says.

"You're a weird girl." The person says, handing Star the cookies.

"Wow, Star. Good luck did come your way." You say.

"It did, it did! These are incredible!" Star says.

"What was in your cookie (Y/n)?" Marco asks.

"O-oh uuhhh... You know... Regular fortune cookie stuff... Like, today good things will happen and stuff like that..." You say. 

-The next morning.-

"Oh, wise and powerful cookies, bestow your sugary prophecies upon me." Star says, holding up the box of cookies.

"Ehhh... Gotcha, Star! Those fortunes aren't magic. They're put there by people in a factory." Marco says.

"Next you'll tell me that's how they get the snow in snow globes. It's clear they're the work of dark wizards." Star says. You laugh silently.

"I'm serious. They're not real. They're just vague so you can read things into them." Marco says.

"An unexpected visitor will soon arrive." Star says, after opening a cookie.

*Star turns to the door expectantly. Marco walks over and opens and closes the door repeatedly.*

"See? No one's here. Now, who wants nachos?" Marco says, then suddenly Ferguson appears behind the door.

"Did someone say nachos?!" Ferguson says.

"Well, hello, my unexpected visitor." Star says.

"You know Marco, the fortune cookies are right very often..." You say.

"Ferguson, Star thinks fortune cookies are magical. Will you please tell her they're not?" Marco says.

"Now, whoa, man. Whoa. Cookies are magical. Once, I ate one from the floor of a cab, and I met my spirit animal that night. It was a wolf." Ferguson says, then walks away.

Shooting for a Star. (Star x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu