Konosuba OC Character

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Fuyuri Shirai
Hair Color:Mint with Honey
Eye Color:Green(right) blue(left)
Also known as:Void Goddess


Fuyuri wears a one piece dress, she's still human, just not a normal one. She has a white skin tone, she has a average bust size, she has a well developed body, has a thin body frame with a slim waist. Cup size double a, 85cm


Fuyuri's personality is a bit mixed up, most at the time they can't seem to figure out if she's either happy or sad. It's kinda hard to tell what emotion she is expressing. She can be loyal most of the time, there are times where she can lose her cool if someone were to speak ill of her or simply say something that may or may not just physically hurt her but also mentally as well. She doesn't know who her parents are, so she uncertain if she has any siblings. She also keeps the damage at a minimal, so she doesn't cause a lot of property damage. She is a master at magic and is a very skilled mage.

 She is a master at magic and is a very skilled mage

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"Why hello there, my name is Fuyuri Shirai, nice to meet you."

"I'm not a normal human, I am a half-goddess, I'm also known as the void goddess."

"I am a very skilled mage and master of magic. At least I don't cause a lot of property damage unlike a certain someone who uses explosion magic."

"Socrch Frost:Koge Shimo!"

"Time Frost:Jikan Shimo!"

"Fire Blast:Kasai Bakufu!"

"Time Socrch:Jikan Koge!"

"Ocean Frost:Kaiyo Shimo!"

"And now it's time to finish you off once and for all, let this move be enough to end this fight. Light Ocean Frost:Hikari Kaiyo Shimo!"

OC book #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora