Chapter 39 - The Boy with the Thorn in His Side

Start from the beginning

He took the shirt and slid it over my arm on my injured side, putting it over my head. I got the other side on by myself just as Mom wheeled the chair in. I was actually glad of the chair. Just putting on the shirt took a lot out of me. And I felt a little lightheaded from all the meds they gave me for the pain and to calm me down.

Dad pushed me, while my mother took my hand, walking by my side.

Around the corner from the emergency room, Mrs. Noble stood in the hallway, talking on the phone. "Yeah, okay. I'll keep you updated. Bye, Peter."

Mrs. Noble looked at her phone screen before slipping it into her pocket. Upon closer inspection, her eyes were puffy and red-rimmed from crying. She set her lips into a tight line.

I felt my bottom lip start to quiver and the sting of oncoming tears. She must hate me. I would hate me, if I were her. "How is he?"

When Mrs. Noble spoke, her voice was thick. "He has a mild concussion, and a fractured radius." She rubbed her hand up and down her right forearm.

Hot tears filled my eyes, pouring down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry."

"Emmett told me what happened. As angry as I am with the both of you, this wasn't your fault." Tears welled in Mrs. Noble's eyes. My mother went over to hug the woman.

"He's awake?" I asked.

Mrs. Noble wiped her hand over her mouth, blinking back tears. "He is. The nurse is in there now. I just came out to talk to his father. Let him know what happened."

"Can I go in?" I pointed to the door, which hung slightly ajar. "Is that okay?"

"Go ahead."

I tried to get up, groaning with the effort. I wanted to go to Emmett. Dad grabbed my shoulder and forced me back down. "Hold on there, Superman."

Mom pushed the door open so Dad could wheel me inside. I held up my hand. "Can I go alone?"

My parents shared a look. Then Mom laid a hand on Mrs. Noble's shoulder. "You look like you need some coffee."

Mrs. Noble huffed out a humorless laugh. "I really could." She pinched the bridge of her nose, sniffling.

"Come on." My mother hooked an arm around Mrs. Noble and steered her away from Emmett's room. Mom glanced at me over her shoulder and winked.

Mom then turned her gaze to her husband. "Mike? Coffee?"

"I'm good, honey." He waved her off.

"Then you can get a candy bar. Or a Coke."

"Oh." He looked over at me, then back to his wife. "I guess I could do with a Snickers."

"I thought so." Mom gave him that "You need to pay attention" look that she got any time he was oblivious to her intentions. It happened a lot.

I wondered if me and Emmett would ever have looks like that. Just one glance and we'd know what the other was thinking. Emmett had that with Carrie. I wanted that special intimacy with him.

As they walked away, I wheeled into the room. The curtain surrounding Emmett's bed was partially drawn, so I couldn't see him when I first entered.

I heard the nurse speaking, asking questions.

"And what would you do if I said the president is George Washington?" Emmett asked. The amount of snark in his voice made me smile. If he could be that snide he was probably just fine.

The woman chuckled. "I'd roll my eyes because I know you're being a brat again."

"I'm not going to stop annoying you until you tell me how my boyfriend is doing."

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