Chapter 3: Interlude at the Owl House

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Author's Note: I intend to add updates every couple days as I can. We all need more owl house in this tragic time of hiatus. Thank you for reading, and enjoy!

--- Amity ---

"Oh my gosh! I'm so glad my awesome girlfriend is okay!" Luz squealed as she ran up to embrace Amity.

She thinks I'm awesome? I haven't even told her the good news about the titan's blood- Amity melted into the hug to stop her mind from racing. It is so amazing that she likes me for me. I don't need to try and constantly earn her affection like with mo-

"No King hug?!" King shouts indignantly to interrupt the tender moment "You are a swindler and a thief!" He shouts thrusting an accusatory claw towards Amity.

Luz scooped up the little tyke -to his squirming protestations and proclamations of regret- while Amity went and fetched an elixer for Eda, stuck in harpy form in the doorway.

"Hooty, prepare the basement for our prisoner." Eda said, returned to her normal form and carrying in the still unconscious Hunter. "A Y E A Y E W A R D E N!" Hooty said before he dissapeared. Horrible squelching sounds interupted by construction noises eminated from the basement. There are more details, but you don't want to know.

Amity took a moment to explain to everyone that she found out from Hunter that the key had titan's blood in it and Hunter would have snitched to Belos, and that she captured Hunter to protect them- leaving out her minor lapse in judgement.

"Oh, well, I mean just cause we have to keep him here doesn't mean we have to treat him like a prisoner." Luz offered in her usual upbeat tune.

Amity smiled guiltily "Yeah, you are right." She paused for a moment, looking for another subject "You look so much better now- I mean- healthier- you always look great- I mean- you are the most beautiful- I've been talking too long." She turned bright red like a tomato and stared straight down at the floor.

Luz took her hand "I feel a lot better to, it was super helpful knowing you were out there on a mission to help me. Also..." She leaned in by Amity's ear and wispered "...I think you are the most beautiful too." Before leaning back and smirking at the adorable Blight on the virge of passing out.

"Um- I need to go check on the basement!" Amity half yelled before running downstairs to see the tunnel of love, modified into a massive, cheesy, holding cell. Amity smiled at the bittersweet memory of her first time down here.

Oh Titan, it was only just the other day Luz was down here fighting for her life to not embarrass herself. Amity smiled at the thought. She was worried about not being cool enough for me? How did that notion even get in her head?!... Maybe I can ask her some time? There is still so much I don't know about her and what her life was like back in the human realm.

Eda, followed by Hooty, walked down with Hunter and tossed him into the love-tunnel dungeon. "Alright Officer Hootson, if he gives you any trouble you have my permission to tell him your life story, from the beginning- no detail is small enough to skip!" Hooty's eyes sparkled as he took a most vigilant watch of the prisoner.

Amity chuckled, "Are you sure he deserves that? Seems kinda harsh."

Eda smiled and shrugged "Hey, I did say 'if he gives you any trouble', in any case I needed to make sure Hooty was motivated, Luz is on the line after all- and Hooty has... Not always been the most reliable- though Hunter shouldn't be able to get out of there without any magic."

"What are you going to do with his staff?" Amity asked as they walked up the stairs to the living room.

"I might have to lock the poor little guy up-" she said with sad eyes "-I'll have Owlbert talk with him and see if we can't figure out a better solution beforehand."

"That would be good." Amity said "I wouldn't want Ghost to get locked up because of something I had done."

The two witches chatted for a while about how to deal with this situation going forward before Amity called it a night, "I'm gonna run upstairs and say goodbye to Luz and head home, it's getting late and my parents are probably starting to worry."

"Alright Boots, make sure and fly high above the forest on the way back, I wouldn't want a Swooping Terror to eat Luz's girlfriend, she'd be insufferable for weeks." Eda said with a wink.

"You think she'd be a mess for weeks?" Amity asked and blushed.

"Oh Titan, Boots, not the point, fly home safe kid!" The older witch said with a roll of her eyes.

"Right! I will, thank you Eda!" Amity said as she ran upstairs.

She entered Luz's room to see her jotting down notes over a new diary entry that the echo mouse had just finished projecting.

"AMITY! LOOK! I MIGHT BE ABLE TO MAKE A PORTAL NOW!" Luz squealed, bursting with excitement as soon as she noticed Amity, holding up some papers with diagrams and notations on them.

"That's awesome- Then we can get you home and you can show me around the human world! Maybe we can do some research over there and figure out why Belos wants a portal too." Amity suggested.

"Oh that's such a good idea, I'm so lucky to have such a smart girlfriend helping me all the time!" Luz praised while running over to lift and hug the cotton candy haired witchling, who blushed profusely before being set down.

"I am nervous to go back- I haven't told my mom about... Well any of this. And I'm not sure how to without her thinking I'm absolutely crazy." Luz's characteristic optimism seemed to wane a little.

Oh no, I need to cheer her up, think solutions blight!

"I bet she'd believe you if you showed her around here a little?" Amity suggested.

Luz smiled and giggled "Yeah I guess she'd have to, even if she kills me for staying somewhere so dangerous- although I would love for her to have a chance to meet everyone here." Luz's eyes met Amity's rather pointedly.

"Oh I would, um, love to meet your mother- she sounds so... much nicer than mine." Amity said as her face flustered, "That reminds me, I need to go home before my parents start to worry.

Luz nodded and gave her one last warm embrace, "Uhg, fine, but I'm going to miss you." She conceded to the witchling, before walking her downstairs and seeing her off.

Author's Note: Sorry for the shortness of this part, but it should enable some more interesting bits coming forward, I'm particularly excited for the next part (enter Odalia!)

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