Chapter 2: The Girl She Fell In Love With

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--- Amity ---

Amity turned her literally glowing glare over to Eda, "He was going to hurt Luz- and he still will if he ever gets the chance!" Amity shot back, angry and defensive.

"Well he can't hurt anyone right now, and doing something like that will change you. You might not come out of this cave as the same girl Luz fell in love with..." Eda paused for a moment and Amity lowered her scythe arm slowly down to her side, but looked back over at Hunter's limp form.

I... I can't let him hurt Luz ever again. Luz is too good and pure, she might not understand but she doesn't need to- she needs to be safe. I need her to be safe. But Luz... she would never look at me the same way again.

Amity looked Eda, and the lavender glow on her eyes flickered away for a brief moment, revealing fear and guilt, before the magic returned.

"I'm not gonna lie to you Boots, I probably can't stop you without my magic, but I'll still try. Because I believe in you. Luz believes in you. And she wouldn't want this."

Eda is right. Luz wouldn't want this. I'm the one who wants it. I'm the one who would throw away someone's life to protect someone I care about... Amity shudders. Like mom tried to, for me. Dear Titan, is that what I'm turning into?

The magical glow leaves Amity's eyes entirely and she falls to the ground on her hands and knees as her abomination de-animates into a puddle of sludge.

Amity looks up at Eda with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry." She barely manages to whisper audibly.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for Boots." Eda smiled at her tenderly "You made the right choice I'm proud of you, and I'm sure Luz will be too." Eda walked over to Amity and offered her a hand up.

Amity took Eda's hand and stood up to bury herself into Eda with a hug, which Eda did not protest.

Panic. Oh Titan, what will Luz think of this when she finds out?!? Will she still like me after that? Wait- did Eda say that Luz loved me earlier? Did Luz tell her that?!? Amity went a little week in the knees, leaving to lean on Eda to stay standing. Focus Blight! One thing at a time!

"Eda..." Amity pulled back from the hug and looked up at Eda anxiously. "Can you... not mention this to Luz... at least not just yet?"

Eda looks down at the scared girl affectionately. "I'll respect your wishes- but as someone who has hidden a side of themselves from their partner because I was afraid of how they would react- let me offer you some advice on that: The truth will come out eventually. You want to make sure it comes from you. Luz is a good kid, she has a lot of love in her heart and will only ever want to help you, Boots- you really should give her the chance to."

Amity ponders this for a moment.

Eda is right. Luz wouldn't let this be the end of things. It might be hard to work through, but we will come through it even stronger. I'm just not ready for that today....

"Thank you Eda. I just don't think I could handle it today." Amity confessed.

How am I so exhausted all of a sudden? I must have been burning myself at both ends during that fight and not even noticed. That could have been really bad- what if Luz was actually here and needed me to protect her and I just passed out? I need to meter myself better in the future.

Eda nods but otherwise doesn't respond to that comment. "We do need to figure out what to do with him." Eda thumbed over to the unconscious Hunter "I did a pretty good number on Kikimora and the scouts but they'll probably be along shortly."

"We'll take him with us. That's the only way to make sure he doesn't hurt Luz again. Does the Owl House have a dungeon we could use?" Amity inquires.

"Um, I think I can work out something along those lines." Eda replies, her tone not entirely filling Amity with confidence.

"Eep! Whaaay!" Tiny feet struggle in the air. "What about me?!" King says while still struggling with his horns stuck in a root like formation.

"Oh we could never forget about you." Eda says lovingly and casually plucks him up with her Harpy strength.

I totally forgot he was here the entire time. I will have to bribe him with some snacks so he doesn't tell Luz about this for a couple days.

Amity smiles as King climbs up her staff with her and curls up on her lap.

On second thought the little guy will probably have a very different narrative of how he defeated the Golden Guard all on his own. She chuckles and scratches his neck.

Eda picks up the unconscious Hunter and his staff, and the group flies up out of the cave and returns to the Owl House.

Back to Luz. Home.

Author's Note: Thank you for caring enough to read make it this far- If you are enjoying the story please hit the star button and add it to your library so I know how you feel!

My Luz (AKA Amity Does Not Negotiate With Terrorists)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora