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Error POV:

I woke up by the smell of breakfast, I got up and went down to see my brother Geno is sitting already in the table.

"Morning Geno" I greet as I sit down with him. "Morning Error, you look tired-" Geno said as he gave me some chocolate drink. "Yeah, can't sleep last night" I said as I drink my chocolate.

"Mornin' broskis!"Fresh said going down and sitting beside us as mom give us our pancakes.

"Sweet! Pancakes!!" Fresh said and starts eating while Geno tell him to slow down or he might choke. I start pouring chocolate syrup on my pancake and eats it while they are busy.

"this is normal" I thought as I drink my chocolate.

sorry if it's short-

129 words

Transgender Fresh (Momma cq)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن