I take a shower then I get in bed and fall asleep. Only an hour and a half later do I wake up and hear Amirose crying. I wipe my face and see Steve sitting up, "I got her Doll." "Thanks." He gets up and leaves the room. I look at the monitor to see him feeding her formula, though she wouldn't take it. "Are your teeth bothering you hun?" He asks while bouncing her. I smile while I look at him through the screen. He goes over to the shelf and grabs a medicine bottle then gives her some medicine.

I see him go to the mini fridge with a mini freezer and open it, then he pulls out a chew toy her for and gives it to her. She naws on it while he rocks her in the rocking chair. Slowly she falls asleep on him, yet he doesn't move, he just keeps rocking. I watch for half an hour until he kisses her one more time and sets her in her bed and covers her up. Then he leaves and lays back down in bed. I move and look at him, "Your the best father and fiancée ever." I whisper, he looks at me and smiles, he brings me closer and kisses me.

I lay my head on his chest as we both slowly fall asleep.

I was out with Clint, it was 3 months since I gave birth to Amelia-Rose, he's been great with her. Today was going to ask him something that will forever change him. I was going to ask him if he wanted to be the man of honor in my wedding. We were at the park watching kids run around playing, adults talking, kids playing with their dogs, friends hanging out under trees and talking. It was a great day to be outside. The sky was blue, few clouds in the sky birds flying about, the ground a beautiful green color with some flowers around the fountain in the middle of the park, the sun shining hot in the air. You could hear cars honking their horns in the endless traffic in the city.

We were sat on a bench looking at the park. "So what did you want to ask me? You said it was important." He asked as he gave me a bite of his chocolate raspberry ice cream. "Do you know if Steve asked Tony to be his best man yet?" I ask looking at him, he looked down, "Yeah he did, it was yesterday. We were in the living room." He sounded a little hurt. "Ya know they never really liked each other until you came. So why in the world would he ask Tony to be his best man?" He asked me as his face was etched in hurt.

"Yeah I know. And I do know why he asked Tony to be his best man." "Why didn't he ask me? Steve didn't even ask me to be a groomsmen." He had tears in his eyes, "Oh, Clint." I pull him into me, he lays his head on my shoulder. "Why am I not a groomsmen?" "Because of me, because I wanted to ask you something." He sits up and looks at me, wiping his eyes. He takes a bite of his ice cream.

"Why because of you Babybird?" He sounded upset. "Because I want you to be the man of honor in my wedding." He stares at me for a second. "You want me to be the man of honor instead of a maid of honor?" I nod with a smile on his face. He laughs and hugs me tightly. I hug him back as he cries into my shoulder. "Are you sure?" "I'm sure Clint." I say with a smile. He pulls back with a huge smile, "Would you rather be a groomsman now?" "Nope." I laugh shaking my head. "I love you Clint." "I love you to Babybird." He said, as I lay my head on his shoulder as we eat his ice cream.

I wake up to hear Amirose crying again. I get up and walk out heading to her room. I go over and pick her up. I give her, her bottle, she drinks some then refuses it. I grab her teething toy and hand it to her, she throws it on the floor. I give her my index finger and she chews on it for a while. "What did daddy give you earlier hun?" I ask even though I knew I wouldn't get an answer, I go over to the shelf and see Ibuprofen almost off the shelf. I take down the Benadryl and give her some.

She cries for another hour, even when the Benadryl kicks in she refuses to fall asleep. "Hunny. Please go to sleep." I say bouncing her she looks up at me, then a second later she throws up the medicine Steve gave her, the medicine I gave her, and the milk. I gasp as I look down at myself with a frown, then the door opens and I see Steve walk in, when he got to me he looked at Amelia-Rose then my with a frown. He goes over and grabs some wipes he cleans her face, then he cleans the tank top I had on.

Amelia-Rose was crying again, snot was running down her nose, her face was red, tears were streaming down her face. I look at Steve, "I think she is sick." "The doctor said that when a baby is teething it can show itself with symptoms of the cold and flu. I nod, I was bouncing her slightly Steve was rubbing her back. Then again she threw up all over me, it looked like the baby food I gave her for dinner.

I gave her green beans, it smelled horrid. I gag, Steve takes her and takes off her onesie, I take off my tank top just in a sports bra and leggings. I set our clothes in the bathroom then walk out, I go over to Steve and Amirose. He was in the rocking chair holding her while she chewed on her teething toy. "Thank you Steve." He nods with a soft smile. I grab a pacifier and a bottle, "Let's let her sleep in out bed tonight." He nods and gets up, we head to our room, I turn off the monitor and we lay in bed.

She laid in-between us, she looked at us while chewing on the teething toy, within 45 minutes or so she was sleeping. I tried to take the toy out of her mouth but she grabbed it tighter as it laid in her mouth. I look at Steve, he shrugs, I lay my head down on my pillow and slowly fall asleep. When I wake up again it was to movement in the bed, I look over and see Amirose up, she was smiling and playing with her teething toy quietly.

I smile at her, she giggles and rolls over, crawling to me. I smile, "Morning Amelia-Rose." She smiles. crawls over to Steve and crawls on top of his chest. He wakes up and laughs as he sees her bouncing on his chest. He grabs her and spins her onto her back play biting her and tickling her, making her small giggle loud. I laugh, he stops a few minutes later, she giggles hits his cheek, he gasps, making her giggle, then he attacks her again, her giggles fill the room.

I laugh watching them, after a few minutes he rolls over and lands on top of me making me laugh, I kiss him softly with a smile. Then I feel a slap. I look over and see Amelia-Rose sitting. Steve pulls away, Amelia-Rose grabs his arm and pulls him near her. He goes over and sits next to her. I look at her, I then grab his hand, we watch as she looks down, looks at me, looks back down, and hits my hand. "He's mine." I say pulling him over to me.

She pouts, crawls over onto his lap and hits me again. "Da-da." We barely hear. We both gasp looking at her, "Dada Dada." I look at Steve, he had a huge smile on his face. "Yes dada." "No mama." I say taking her, "It's mama." "Dada." "No mama." I say to her. Steve was just smiling. "She is going to be a dada's girl." Steve says I huff at him he smiles and kisses him. He gets up and puts on a shirt, takes Amelia and leaves the room.

A few minutes later he was back, "Where's Amelia?" He looks at me, "She is with Tony, Nat, Clint and Bruce in the living room, apparently Thor had to go back to Asgard." He takes my hand and pulls me up. My arm goes around his neck as he kisses me softly. "Why would I want to have sex with you?" He smirks, "Because you love me and you can't resist me." "Fuck you." "Yes you will be." He pushes me back on the bed and climbs on top of me.

Sorry for the long wait on another chapter I have been in a very bad place and I needed to escape everything, including my books. I have not been on this app in months and I am so sorry. Here is another chapter, I hope you enjoy it. :)

Steve Rogers Love and Tony Stark's SisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora