Chapter 1

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"Dad, mom, Tony!" I yelled throughout the house, I was 10 and it was Christmas morning. I ran into Tony's room, he was 12 and instead of the normal things a 12 year old boy would have in his room, he had gagets he built with our father. He was passed out in his Christmas pajamas so i jumped onto his bed making him groan and open his eyes. I smiled at him, "Merry Christmas Tony." He smiled, "Merry Christmas Talia. Let's go wake up mom and dad."

I nod smiling, we both run out of his room and into our parents room. I could see my mother up, she had a huge smile on her face and pointed to our sleeping father. I looked at Tony, he grabbed my hand and we ran over and jumped onto him. "OOF!" He says opening his eyes instantly. "Merry Christmas!" Me and Tony yelled. He laughs and pulls us closer, he kisses my cheek, then he kisses Tony's forehead. He wipes it away making us all laugh.

Then I roll over to my mom and lay my head on her chest. "Merry Christmas mom." "Merry Christmas Hunny." I smile as she kisses my other cheek and we all get out of bed, "Race you down there!" I yelled at Tony as I began running down the stairs. "No fair!" I heard him yelling back which made me giggle. I made it downstairs and ran into the living room where a pile of  presents were under the tree. I squealed when I got pushed on the couch backwards. I looked and saw Tony, in a matter of seconds he was tickling me.

I squealed and laughed trying to squirm away from him. "Ok, ok, I give! I give!" I said panting. Tony smirked at me and stood up. "Good." His hands were on his hips, his nose pointed at the roof. I rolled my eyes, pulling Tony to the couch, he sat next to me and we waited for mom and dad. They came in a second later. Mom was holding a camera while dad had the Santa hat on, it was his turn passing around the presents. "Let's eat first then open presents." Mom said which made me and Tony frown. "Just 1 mom!" We whined. "Ok fine 1 and only one."

Me and Tony smiled in victory as our dad looked for presents for the both of us. He found then in a minute or 2 and gave us ours. "Ok and open!" Mom said excitedly. We both ripped them open, I see a tool box. I looked at my mom and dad in shock. "You can finally help me and your brother build things in the garage." Dad said, i squealed and hugged him tightly. Then I hugged my mom. I looked and saw Tony had a few new parts to work on.

After that mom and dad made breakfast, there were bacon, eggs, ham, fried potatoes, sausage. I ate until i was about to puke. Me and Tony did the dishes while mom and dad put the left over's away. And we all opened our presents which took about an hour and a half. When we were done opening presents we all got into our stockings and ate some candy while watching a few Christmas movies. When it was around 4 in the afternoon mom started to work on making a huge dinner.

Tony and Dad went down to the lab which is the basement. I went up to my room and started to write things that happened in my journal. After about an hour and a half I was done so I made my way down to the lab. I looked at all the chemicals in tubes, gadgets all different kinds of things. I got excited and started to run towards the noise from the lab where they were working. The one and only rule down here is no running, and i could see why because I tripped and fell into a table full of chemicals.

I got cuts and bruises all over my body, the chemicals seeping into my cuts, making a burning sensation around my whole body. I screamed in agony, I heard yelling and footsteps. "Talia!" I heard my father and Tony shout. "What happened!!?" My mother yelled coming down the stairs. She came running over as I rolled on the ground screaming.

My father's face came into my view, "Come on Baby girl." He picked me up which made me scream again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Hunny." I felt something cold on my back, probably a table. "I'm going to call Jarvis." Mom said running up the stairs. "Hun I'm going to have to pull out the glass, but don't worry I will find out what's happening." "What?" I groaned. I say him looking at Tony for a second. "Talia look." Tony said raising my arm, it took everything in me not to scream, but I gasped when I saw my hand. It had a green, blue, red, white, and a dark almost black mist it was a very dark blue.

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