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After the long hug Heaven feels consoled and they continue on their way.
"I think mummy is a sanguine like me and honestly being around a sanguine can be challenging. They say organisation saves time not with a sanguine we are hardly organised always all over the place. People's temperament can play a mean one on them but we have to look for a way around them. Despite all odds sweet let's believe that with God all things are possible as The word of God says. If you put you're heart to it and trust God, some of those hormonal imbalances can be taken care of in Jesus name! it won't be easy but it's possible. It will seem like one is forcing you to change you're person or nature but our new nature in Christ helps us conquer, it won't be easy at all like i said but it's gradual. Life na je je (one step at a time) Then again everyone of them should be patient with you till you conquer it at one point in time." Teaches Echeta

"But should i in the name of conquering it go against the rudiments of cleanness "says Heaven

"No i mean tolerance and to an extent accepting people the way they are" admonishes Echeta

"Meaning i should align with people whether it suits me or not even when wrong just to please them and encourage bad habits hmmmm, that will be hard on me. What is wrong about doing what is right abeg!. These days what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right! Should it be so?" Says Heaven

"If you go on correcting always they will pick a fight with you which do you prefer dear?" Asks Echeta

"So how do we get to educate, change certain lifestyles without teaching or correcting, without putting up a fight if necessary. I mean one day begins the story" Counters Heaven
"Moreover am not perfect. There are  habits i see in other people too that i like, i simply emulate too. Life is like an adage said by the igbos (eastern part of Nigeria) 'Akanri kwo akaekpe, akaekpe kwo akanri' (literally saying when the right hand washes the left hand, the left hand should also wash the right hand) we should learn from one another, also help one another. In this journey called life no one can know it all. Heaven concludes

"True though so what to do then? Na wa o life is not black and white a wise young man once said. How to get the pluses and minuses to work together to create a balance in our world that is the real mathematics of life" describes Echeta

"Life for me is multi coloured either ways you will have to win or loose afer it corners you here and there. People don't even know they could pick worms that become dangerous  parasites, living in them from this habit of not washing hands freuently. Eventually it leads to serious underlying health issues. The first thing they will say of course is, 'it's the will of God'  When He has nothing to do with it. For some they say its the devil's work. Flimsy excuses to avade their lack of being responsible. I will never forget how in the old testament God admonishes the children of Israel to wash themselves clean before coming into His presence. Just like when people engage in willful sin and instead of taking responsibility and asking for forgiveness, they claim it's the devil's handiwork." Finalises Heaven

"That's the way of the world" says Cheta chuckling as he continues "i think we all have to find our ways of effecting positive changes inorder to leave the world better than we met it.

"Folks who do that are the real dynasties. Something everyone in the world should inspire to emulate through character. Adding to the world and not taking alone. People like that believe it or not have peace that passes all understanding!"states Heaven

"You know that is exactly what Jesus Christ did abi? (not so) and we are to be Christ like making a difference" insists Cheta

"That is what i want to live for making a difference in marriages, families, orphanages, Health centers e.t.c my dad is also like that. Anywhere he goes he makes a difference unfortunately we seem to be easily misunderstood, which is why for me i have become much of an introvert keeping to myself most times in my shell but i am not giving up anyhow you must start somewhere and what better place than in you're circle. I pray they get it." Laments Heaven

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