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"From that day Echeta i became very careful. So careful i was, that i decided to tell my mum everything. It was necessary because i started sensing trouble and i decided to start prepping myself to leave. Days went by and i decided to be scarce around the house. From school i will go to aunty Mary's restaurant and spend time there helping her and Stella out than going home to get rest and read after school. There were times i will be dead tired but i will still go to the restaurant, at such times aunty Mary would ask me to eat and just sit, getting rest than help out. Other times she will insist that i go home and i will if the husband travelled. Then there were times that even if he traveled, i will still not go home, I didn't want it to be obvious that i was avoiding him least aunty Mary begins to think that i am indirectly accussing her husband for some reasons."

"Smart girl!" Says Cheta as he snorts a laugh.

"I had to be smart for my own good Cheta dear. Also there were days i will go home even though he is around,but i will stay in school till it's a bit late to come home but i come back at the time i know aunty Mary will soon be back home someother times if she doesn't come on time i will claim exhaustion and go to bed early or i will go see Jane a good friend i have gotten use to overtime because her family are good friends of uncle Tom and aunty Mary." Says Heaven

"All the while he was always complaining of one thing or the other about aunty Mary not having enough time to clean or mind the affairs of her home. Sometimes he will want to compare me with her or Stella and i didn't like the negative vibe i got because of that from aunty Mary but i held up, determined not to let that or anything as a matter of fact destroy my relationship with her. I mean she was the lady of the house and i had to make it work for my peace of mind" assures Heaven

"It must have been tough on you?" Questions Echeta

"You have no idea sweetie. This is the second reason i said i wouldn't want our children to live with people, well you already know the first reason" provokes Heaven

"Yeah a grievous one" replies Echeta hitting the stirring in reflex with anger

"Not now Cheta, please calm down" says Heaven patting Cheta's back

"You're anger is justified but let it be" she says as she continues

"Eventually things started becoming fierce between them. There were times they will quarrel in front of Stella and i but, being older, i would reason within me to drag her to the room, just to excuse them. I thought it will be rude to stay while they quarreled. Most times he will storm out of the house and leave aunty Mary crying. One day she confided in me that all these could be happening because of her childlessness, she said something like they ran some tests and found out the problem was with her. I really felt sorry for her. Some men are something else" Laments Heaven shaking her head in remorseful remembrance of how things turned out for that couple

"Oh i see why, i was beginning to wonder if something else could be the problem" reacts Echeta also concerned

"All that time he was easily irritated no one knew he was beginning to slowly drift away by having an affair" says Heaven

"Isn't he suppose to be a Christian?" Intercepts Cheta

"And how many supposed Christians do you know my darling who don't do the same when tempted huh?" Requestions Heaven

"True! But not justified!" Replies Echeta

"Hmm! careful least we judge them, you know inasmuch as i don't support them, i don't want to be quick in judgment either. Sometimes people's way out, complicates issues for them. Not every open door spells a way out." Goads Heaven

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