Sleepy Bois go Trick or Treating

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Sleepy Bois Trick or Treating

In this one shot, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo are around 9 years old. Dteam, Karl, are about 11. Wilbur and Techno are 16 year old twins. 

"Tommy, your ears are crooked." Philza caught the young blond boy, carefully adjusting his werewolf ears properly his head.

"DADZA," Tommy complained. "I wanna go now."

Philza smiled warmly, ruffling his son's blond hair. "You have no patience."

The man turned to his older son, who was dressed in a simple brown trench coat and tan turtleneck sweater. "Take care of the boys out there, Will."

Wilbur glanced up from his phone, smiling at his father's ridiculous costume- a giant raven. "Of course."

It was Halloween, the night of spooks and creepiness to give you chills. The air smelt of candies and artificial smoke, rich apple spice, and candy corn. Philza was staying behind to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. The house rang with an evil "muah ha ha ha" laugh from a speaker outside the door

Tommy was going trick-or-treating with his older brother, Wilbur. Tubbo and Ranboo would be at his house soon to join them. Techno, another of Tommy's brothers, had gone to pick them up.

"Wilbur," Tommy whined. "Can't we go now?"

Wilbur straightened from where he was leaning against the wall, tucking his phone into his pocket. "Not until the others get here."

Tommy pouted, glaring at his brother. "You could at least have the decency to dress up."

"Costumes are for children." Wilbur tugged Tommy's werewolf ears teasingly.

"I am not a child!" Tommy swatted his brother away, but Wilbur dodged him easily. Blue eyes flashing, Tommy screeched. "DAD! WIL CALLED ME A CHILD AND WON'T DRESS UP!"

Philza's voice drifted from the front door. "Wil, stop teasing your brother. You know how riled up he gets."

Wilbur cracked up at Tommy's indignant expression. Tommy grabbed his brother's arm, trying to drag him to the living room. "See, Dadza said you have to dress up."

"No, he didn't." Wilbur struggled to free his arm. He sighed, wishing he and Techno had switched jobs. "I didn't buy a costume anyways, Tommy."

"BITCH! NO COMPLAINTS!" Tommy's voice was loud enough to scare off any early trick-or-treaters. The blond boy snagged the makeup bag Philza had used to paint his face with a wolf nose and whiskers.

Wilbur immediately backed away. "No way, Tommy."

"But, Wilbur." Tommy whined, staring at his brother with wide blue eyes. "It will be so lame if my brother doesn't dress up. Everyone will talk about it for weeks, and-"

Wilbur groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Tom, who's even going to recognize us? It's dark out and everyone is in costumes."

"Everyone but you." Tommy grumbled. "Even Dadza dressed up."

Wilbur knew a losing battle when he saw one, and he didn't want to ruin his brother's night, either. With a reluctant sigh, the brunette sat on the couch. "Nothing too weird."

Tommy's eyes lit up, the blue depths sparkling like the ocean in the sunlight. He sat in front of his brother, dropping the makeup bag onto his knee. Wilbur could already hear the alarm sirens going off, marking his doom.

Tommy grabbed makeup brushes at random, his tongue poking out in concentration. Wilbur struggled not to squirm under the smudges of icky paste applied to his skin. He was suddenly regretting every life decision he'd ever made when Tommy announced he was done.

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