Part Four

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A/N I know it's been somewhat of a slow burn. However, things are about to pick up this chapter and next! 

As the fourth week of classes crept upon Aurora, she slowly slipped behind. The rigorous course load paired with her internship was almost too much for her to handle. This Sunday was her Sunday with Ms. Hess. After taking her grocery shopping, she longed to go back to her apartment to finish her homework before her dinner reservations with her sister. However, she couldn't say no when Ms. Hess asked her to stay for a bit and watch TV. They caught the ending of the Price is Right before indulging in two episodes of Family Feud before parting ways. 

Aurora's sister lives just outside of Manhattan. After Graduating from Fordham School of Law last year, she began interning at a local law firm. Having her older sister local was one factor that led Aurora to pick NYU over other competitors, having not known anyone in the city. 

Aurora was able to get just an hour of homework done before meeting her sister for dinner at Carmine's. The place is an upscale Italian restaurant that Aurora could never afford on the salary she gets from her semester-long internship. However, her sister insisted on paying. With their busy schedules, they're lucky if they see each other once a month. Aurora wasn't one to turn down a chance to dine at such an upscale place. 

Aurora pushed past the crowds of tourists in the two-hour wait line, making her way to the hostess stand. "Two for Miller," She introduced. She followed the hostess through the crowded dining room to a small table where her sister sat eagerly. 

"Aurora, what took you so long?" Aurora's sister Audrey asked, standing up from her chair to embrace her sister in a long-overdue hug. 

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time," Aurora apologized, taking a seat across from her sister. She took a generous sip of water, quenching her thirst from walking the couple blocks from her apartment. 

"Oh yeah? Who's got my little sister so tide up?" Audrey asked intrigued. 

Aurora shook her head. "Try five classes and an internship five days a week," 

Audrey scrunched up her nose in disgust, remembering the heavy course load she took on while in law school. "I'm sorry, kiddo." 

Aurora brushed the comment and childhood nickname off and focused on the menu in front of her. Audrey ordered an expensive bottle of prosecco along with bruschetta and mussels for them to share as an appetizer. 

"Please tell me you're enjoying life and not just studying and working all day." 

Blush rose to Aurora's cheeks as she bowed her head down, avoiding her sister's gaze. "I'm just so busy and stressed. I don't have time for fun," Aurora explained, taking a sip of prosecco. 

"If you got laid every once in a while, you wouldn't be so stressed."

Aurora choked on her sip of prosecco, holding her cloth napkin to her mouth to muffle her cough from disrupting nearby customers. "Not that you need to know but it's only been about two weeks since I last got laid, thank you," Aurora whispered, not wanting to talk about her sex life in such a public space. 

Audrey's mouth hung open with pride. She shifted closer to her younger sister. "Do tell," She continued intrigued. Their appetizers arrived, but Audrey paid no attention, focusing solely on her younger sister's sex life. 

Aurora sighed. "It was someone I met at the bar. We hooked up twice. That's it." Aurora shrugged like Katie was nothing more than a one-night stand. But Aurora knew she was more than that. If she showed it, her sister would know it too. 

After getting a little more information out of Aurora, Audrey dropped the subject, her attention now directed to the food in front of them. With shaky hands, Aurora grabbed her wine glass by the stem, downing the rest of the contents inside of it before pouring herself another glass. She was going to need it. 

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